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1525UA 1525 University Ave (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) 1610UA 1610 University Ave (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) 1FAB Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 2011BAND 2011 Marching Band 4HTECH 4H Technology Team AANDA Art and Architecture (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) ACCESSIBILITY-UTK ACCESSIBILITY-UTK (For Facilities Services Communications and Changes in Accessible Routes) ACTIVITY Office of Student Activities ACVECCDI ACVECC Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee ADMBA2010 Aerospace & Defense MBA 2010 ADMBA2011 ADMBA Class of 2011 ADMBA2012 ADMBA 2012 ADMBA2013 ADMBA Class of 2013 ADMBAALUMNI Aerospace & Defense MBA Alumni ADPI Alpha Delta Pi Sorority ADPRJOBS ADPR Jobs & Internships ADULTLRN Adult Learning PhD AFSTADVISORYBOARD AFST Advisory Board AGSA_UTK AGSA_UTK AHOLTT Andy Holt Tower (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) AIC4CS American Indian and Indigenous Caucus AKPSIALUM AKPSI Alumni ALIENS-L Taxation/Witholding/Reporting Requirements for payments to aliens ALL-EARS AUDIOLOGY FACULTY ALLVOLCHEESE All Vol Cheese ALPSI Kappa Alpha Psi ALUMMB Alumni Memorial Building (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) ALUMNIBAND UT Band Alumni AMBA2009 UT Aerospace MBA ANB Agriculture and Natural Resources Building ANI-L Autism Network International APEAYB Austin Peay Building (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) AQUACTR Student Aquatic Center (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) ARCHIBUS ARCHIBUS Users ARTSCI UT College of Arts and Sciences ASCSM Appalachian Scholars in Computer Science and Mathematics ASHR American Society for the History of Rhetoric ASLAB Animal Science Laboratory (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) ASNSSC A&S Natural Science senate caucus ASSSSC A&S Social Science Senate Caucus ASTROPARTICLESEMINAR Astro Particle Seminar AS_FACNT Arts and Sciences Non-Tenure-Track Faculty AS_FACTL Arts and Sciences Tenure-Line Faculty AS_STAFF Arts and Sciences Staff ATRAINC Anderson Training Center (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) AUCTIONMAIL UTK Surplus Auction AUXSRVB Auxiliary Services Building (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) AWF Association of Women Faculty AWPBOD UT Alliance of Women Philanthropists Board of Directors AYRESH Ayres Hall (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) BAILEYEDC Jane and David Bailey Education (Communications between Facilities Svcs and building users) BAKERUT Howard Baker Center for Public Policy BCICOS Brain Computer Interface CoS BCMB-DEPARTMENT BCMB-DEPARTMENT BCMB-FACULTY BCMB Faculty BCMB-GRADUATESTUD BCMB Graduate Students BCMB-LECTURERS BCMB-LECTURERS BCMB-POSTDOCS BCMB-POSTDOCS BCMB-RESEARCHPERSONNEL BCMB-RESEARCHPERSONNEL BCMB-UNDERGRADUATES BCMB Undergraduates BEES Biosystems Engr and Env Sci Lab (Communications between Facilities Svcs and building users) BEESO Biosystems Engr and Soil Sci Office (Communications between Facilities Svcs and bldg users) BIGORANGETIX Student Football Tickets BIOINFO UTK Bioinformatics BIOINFORMATICS Bioinformatics and Computational Biology at UT BIOLOGY BIOLOGY MAJORS BIOTAP BioTAP BLAC Brenda Lawson Athletic Center (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) BLACKBERRY blackberry BLACKBERRY-USERS Blackberry Users BLDBONES BuildStrongBonesTN BLDGREPS UTK Building Representatives BLOUNT4H To disseminate information on 4-H programming to members, parents and volunteers BLOUNTH Blount Hall (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) BRDCLASS1 Broadcast Class1 BRDCLASS2 Broadcast Class2 BREDCTR Bredesen Center - General BREHMASB Brehm Animal Science Building (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) BRUCEIT PREPERATION FOR MOVING OF LIST (HERE TODAY/GONE TOMMOROW) BSALNTF Bsal National Task Force BTLA-L Boone Tree Library Association BURCHGB Burchfiel Geography Building (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) BUSINC Business Incubator (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) BUSINESSDEANS Business Deans C4PNEWS Center for Parenting News CALENDER TANDEC Calender CAMPUSWIDEDEI Diversity and Engagement CASBOV Board of Visitors CASNR College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources (closed) CATHOLIC VolCatholic - New Students CATUS-L CATUS-L CBA Haslam College of Business Faculty & Staff CBACRM HCB-Dynamics CRM CBAFAC Haslam College of Business Faculty CBAPHD HCB PHD Students CBASOCIAL HCB Social CBASTAFF CBA Staff CBATAB CBA Tablet Discussion mothballed 11 15 2010 CBE-CHAT CBE Student Chatter CBTHTR Clarence Brown Theatre (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) CCBEMP Conference Center Building Employees CCE Committee on the Campus Environment CCI-FAC College of Communication and Information Faculty CCI-FACSTAFF College of Communication and Information Faculty and Staff CCI-LIST College of Communication and Information Students CCI-MSTR CCI Master's Students CCI-PHD CCI PhD Students CCI-RESEARCH CCI Research CCIT Center for Cybercrime Investigation Training CDI Council for Diversity and Interculturalism CEE Center for Executive Education CEHHS-ALL College of Education, Health and Human Sciences CEHHS-CANDG CEHHS-CandG CEHHS-CLAXTON Faculty/Staff in Claxton and Bailey Complexes CEHHS-CTC School Partners CEHHS-FACELECTIONS CEHHS FACULTY ELECTIONS CEHHS-FACULTY CEHHS Faculty CEHHS-FIELDTC Teacher Candidates Field Experience CEHHS-FOUO School Directors CEHHS-HPER Faculty/Staff in HPER Bldg. CEHHS-IPH CEHHS-Institute of Public Health CEHHS-JEP Teacher Candidates Job Embedded Professionals CEHHS-JHB Faculty/Staff in Jessie Harris Bldg. CEHHS-PDSLIA CEHHS-Professional Dev. Schools Liaisons CEHHS-TC Teacher Candidates Interns and Student Teachers CEHHS-UPCOMING CEHHS Upcoming Interns CEHHS-UTM UTK CEHHS Mentors CEHHSALU CEHHS Alumni CEHHSALUMNI CEHHS Alumni CEHHSALUMNI1 CEHHS Alumni CEHHSALUMNI2 CEHHS Alumni CEHHSLIAISON CEHHS/Faculty Liaisons in Public Schools CEHHSUGSTUDENTS CEHHS UG Students CERAMA Ceramics Annex (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) CFBSTUDE CFB Students CFS-ALUM CFSAlumni CFS-CHILDDEVELOPMENT CFS Child Development CFS-ECE CFS-ECE CFS-GRAD Child & Family Studies Graduate Students CFS-TEMPINSTR CFS-TEMP INSTRUCTORS CFS-UNDERGRAD CFS UnderGrad CGRNHS Central Greenhouse (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) CH35DEP Dependents VA Education benefits CHASCO Tennessee Coalition for Healthy and Safe Campus Communities CHASCOEX Tennessee Coalition for Healthy and Safe Campus Communities Executive CHE-CFS Voting Faculty CHE-CHILD CHE-HSCOUNSELORS CHE-FAMILY CFS Family CHE-HRD-TRNG HRM Graduate Students CHE-QUINT Quint State Discussion Group CHFACMEN Chancellor's Honors: Faculty Mentors CI-UTK Confucius Institute at UTK CINEMA UTK Cinema Studies CIPE Council for the Improvement of Professional Education CIS-HPT UT Center for Industrial Services Human Performance Technology CIS-SBIR Tennessee SBIR Proposal Assistance Center CIS-TDEC Waste Reduction and Assistance Program (WRAP Sheet) and Tennessee Materials Exchange Newsletters CIS-WRAP CIS Test Email Newsletters CIVICEDTN Civic Engagement & Service Learning across the UT Campuses CLASSCOM classcom CLAXTONCOMPLEX Claxton Complex (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) CLICK09 UTK Clicker Pilot 2009 CLOCKWORKUSER Clockwork Users Group CLUBGGY Club Geography at UT CMS-APPR Contract Mgt System Approvers CMS-USER Contract Mgt System Dept Users CMST CMST Listserv CNURS College of Nursing (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) COE-UG COE Undergraduate COE574 closed / hibernated by scotty 02 03 06 COEHONOR College of Engineering Honors Banquet COLAB Collaborative for Animal Behavior (CoLAB) COLLABIT Collaborative Science IT COMMBLKS UT COMMISSION FOR BLACKS COMMSCHL Civic Engagement @ UT CONFCB Conference Center Building (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) CONTINUOUS_IMPROVEMENT Continuous Improvement CONVERSE Centripetal Conversation CORPTECH Corporate Technology COUNS_PROG UTK Counseling Psychology Listserv CPC-MM Community Partnership Center - MM CRCBST CRC - Bioenergy Science and Tech (Communications between Facilities Svcs and building users) CRCMST CRC - Material Science and Tech (Communications between Facilities Svcs and building users) CROPGENL Crops Genetic Laboratory (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) CSCINFO Christian Student Center Announcements CSCLIFE Christian Student Center Life Group CSCVOLS Christian Student Center Alumni and Friends CSFUTK Christian Student Fellowship UTK CSNEWS CS News CSPS Center for Sport, Peace, and Society Newsletter CSW-AF College of Social Work - Alumni & Friends CUEB Communications Building (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) CURENT-ALL CURENT Faculty, Staff, and Students (All Locations) CURENT-ALL-STUDENTS CURENT Students (All Locations) CURENT-UTK CURENT Faculty, Staff, and Students (UTK Only) CURENT-UTK-STUDENTS CURENT Students (UTK Only) CVMALUM UT College of Veterinary Medicine Alumni DABNEY-BUEHLERHALL Dabney-Buehler Hall (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) DARWIN-DAY-TN Darwin Day Tennessee DASH-RESEARCH-COI-CORE-TEAM DASH Research COI Core Team DAST Division of Academic Success & Transitions DCO Disability-Careers Office DDHR Disasters Displacement and Human Rights DDTTEACH Darwin-Day-TN-Teach DELTASIG UTK Delta Sigma PI, Alpha Zeta Chapter DET Diabetes Education Training DFMP DFMP DGS-AUX DGS Auxillary DH-UTK Digital Humanities @UTK dm-broad Digital Media and Broadcasting DMS-SC DMS Steering Committee DOUGHERTYENGINEERING Dougherty Engineering (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) DOWN-UNDER University Center Down Under: Bowling, Billiards & More! DOWNEQUIP Down Equipment DPH-PHD DrPH Listserv (Defunct) DRPH PhD Listserv DSELIST DSENews DSLS-MEMBERS DSLS Mailing List DUNFORDH Dunford Hall (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) DWUSERS UT Data Warehouse Users DYNAMICFORMS NextGen Dynamic Forms Notice EAPMCNAIR Sophomores - Seniors - AA,NA or HA EARTH-PLANETARYSCIENCES Nuclear Engineering (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) EATRITE East TN Gluten Intolerance Group (ETN-GIG) Listserv ECEGRAD ECE Graduate Students ECOMPASS -- empty list EDUCATIONALDATASCIENCE Educational Data Science EDUROAM eduroam EEB-ALL EEB-ALL: Listserv for communicating with the broader EEB community. EEB-NEWSLETTER EEB Newsletter EEB-UNDERGRADS EEB Undergrads EECS-GRAD EECS Grad EFFECTIVE_TEACHERS Effective Teachers EHHS-PRGDIR EHHS Program Directors EHHSGRADSTUD CEHHS Grad Student Listserv EHHSRSCH CEHHS Research ELCL2010 ELC Lake 2010 (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) ELCL2016 ELC Lake 2016 (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) ELCW1206 ELC White 1206 (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) ELECTURE English Dept. Lecturers ELPS-ALL Educational Leadership and Policy Studies All Students Listserv ELPSCORE UTK - ELPS ELPS_HEA_MS ELPS_HEA_MS PROGRAM ENDNOTEHELP EndNote Support In Universities ENERGYGROUP Energy Group ENG552 ENG 552 ENGAGED_COMMUNITY Engaged Community ENGGRAD English Graduate Students ENGJOBS English Job Placement ENGNEWS UTK English Major Newsletter ENGPROPRACTICEGRAD Engineering Professional Practice ENV-L Elder News and Views Alert Service ENVIRNET UT Environmental Sociology Network ENVLANDL Environment & Landscape Lab (For communications between Facilities Svcs and building users) EODNEWS Employee & Organizational Development EPC-ALL EPC All EPC-FACULTY EPC Faculty EPCSTDNT EPC-students EPPMINOR EPP Undergraduate Minor Students EPSAAB EPS Alumni Advisory Board EPSFAC UTK EPS Department Faculty EPSGRADS UTK EPS Graduate Students EPSPALEO EPSPALEO EPSSTAFF UTK EPS Staff EPSTEN UTK EPS Tenured Faculty EPSTT UTK EPS Tenure Track Faculty EPSUGS UTK EPS Undergraduate Students ERADIAL-UP ERA Dial-up ES551W es551w ES552 ES552 + ME562 ES645 ES 645 ESG Eta Sigma Gamma ESLS Department of Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport Studies ESTAFF WUTK Executive Staff ETCHE East Tennessee Consortium for Higher Education ETCOC East Tennessee Childhood Obesity Coalition ETHCSE-L Ethical Issues in Software Engineering ETSBOALIST East Tennessee School Band and Orchestra Association EVERIFY HR listserv to notify departments for changes in E-Verify & I-9 processing. EXTPER-L Extension Service Personnel Officers in the Southern Region FACLINK CIE Faculty Link List FACSERVC Facilities Services Complex FACULTYINFO Faculty Information FAMLIT-FL Private: For discussion of family literacy issues, new resources, and news in Florida. FERRISHALL Ferris Hall (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) FHMMUS Frank H. McClung Museum (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) FHWAFP FHWA Freight Planning FLEETMG Fleet Management FLEMING Fleming Warehouse (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) FOCFLGBT Friends of the Commission for LGBT People FOOD-SCI Food Science Extension FOODSAFETY-PROCESSING Food Safety and Processing (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) FOODSCITB Food Science and Technology (For communications between Facilities Svcs and bldg users) FR UTK's Information Technology First Responder Program UN mothballed 4 24 2009 FRIESONBCC Ron & Don Frieson Black Cultural Ctr (For communications btw Facilities Svcs and bldg users) FS-ALERT Facilities Services Alerts FS-EMERG FS Emergency Response FSITAC FacultySenateInformationTechnologyAdvisoryCommittee(replaced by itcomm 8-9-04) FSNEWS Facilities Services News FSS Full Service Schools FSSEARCH FS Search FWFJOBS FWF Job Announcement Distribution List GAMES Games GBP_UTK Gamma Beta Phi GCA Government Careers Association GEOMETRY Geometry GERAS GeRAS GKUTK Golden Key International Honour Society GLAZERB Glazer Building (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) GLEC UT Lean Center GLOBAL UT Global Studies Program GLOBAL-STUDIES Global Studies GLOBALHEALTH GLOBAL HEALTH GRADNEWS Graduate Student Senate News GRADREPT Graduate Report GRC Global Ranavirus Consortium GREENHOUSES-AGCAMPUS Greenhouses - Ag Campus (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) GREENHOUSES-HESLERBIOLOGY Hesler Biology and Greenhouse (For communications between Facilities Services and bldg users) GREVEH Greve Hall (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) GROWYOUROWN TN Grow Your Own Center GROWYOUROWN-EAST1 TN Grow Your Own - East 1 GROWYOUROWN-EAST2 TN Grow Your Own - East 2 GROWYOUROWN-MIDDLE TN Grow Your Own - Middle GROWYOUROWN-WEST TN Grow Your Own - West GROWYOUROWN_EPP TN Grow Your Own EPP Contacts GS-UTK Green Seal GS-37 GSETEAM GSE Implementation Team GYO-APPRENTICE Grow Your Own Apprentices HACKPROJ Hacker Project HCBSPONSOREDPROJ HCB Sponsored Projects Information HDFT Listserv HDSTUD Help Desk Students HEARSPCHC Hearing and Speech Center (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) HENSONH Henson Hall (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) HERBERT Herbert College of Agricultural Sciences HERBERTSTUORGLEADERS Herbert College of Agriculture Student Engagement HHBCPUBPOL Howard H. Baker Center (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) HIGHERGROUND UT Arts and Science Higher Ground Magazine HISMAJOR UT History Department HMNITIES Humanities Building (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) HONMATH Math Honors Program Students HOSKINS Hoskins Library (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) HOT-TOPICS Hot Topics HOUSING University Housing HPC_HELP HPC Help HPER HPER Building (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) HPERGTA Health Physical Education Recreation GTAs HRGEXT Collaborators and alumni of Professor Howard Hall's research group HRGINT Professor Howard Hall's research group HRHIRING Hiring Manager HUM-GEN Center for Applied Phenomenological Research IBDSTUDENT IBD Student IBME-G iBME Faculty and Students IBMSYS Discussion about IBM Mainframe Issues ICMA2021-2022 ICMA 2021-2022 ICN International Counselor Network (ICN) IMJ Editors, The Information Management Journal IMPACTNEWS Implementing Partnerships Across the Curriculum with Technology INDGOV Industry and Government Statisticians INDIVIDUALIZED_CHALLENGE Individualized Challenge INKLINGS INKLINGS INS UT Institute for Nuclear Safety INSMEM UT Institute for Nuclear Security Members INTERN-L Issues related to the training of doctoral level psychology interns INTHSE International House (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) IRIS_TRAINING_COORD IRIS Training Coord IRIS_USER_COORD IRIS_USER_COORD ISALUMNI UT School of Information Sciences Alumni Listserv ISCIP International Steering Committee of Impact Program ISSE-UT ISSE Faculty Affiliates IT575 IT575 IT577 IT577 ITC-FORUM ITC Forum ITCOMM Faculty Senate Information Technology Committee ITEVENTS IT Event Notification Replaced with OITevents ITNEWS Instructional Technology News ITWEEKLY IT Weekly JAHBUSB James A. Haslam Business Bldg (For communications between Facilities Svcs and building users) JAPAN-CLUB UT JAPAN CLUB JARTU Johnson Animal Research (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) JCHODGLIB John C Hodges Library (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) JCP_BOARD J. of Counseling Psychology Editorial Board JEM Journalism & Electronic Media Majors JESSE Open Lib/Info Sci Education Forum JESSIEHARRIS Jessie Harris Building (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) JEWISHDISABILITY Jewish and Disability Studies JHVISA J and H Visa issues for UT Staff JIAM Joint Institute of Advanced Materials (For communications btw Facilities Svcs and bldg users) JOHN23RD John 23RD Parishioners JOHN23UT UT Catholic Students JRCOLL Former Math Junior Colloquium List KINGSTONPIKEBUILDING Kingston Pike Building (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) KNOXARC Knoxville Area Chapter of the American Red Cross KOM King Of the Mountains KONTAKT Impact-Kontakt Printmaking Conference KOREAN UTK Korean Student Association (ON HOLD - utkksa& mail forward bounce) LABSAFETY UTK Laboratory Safety LABVIEW LabView LAFUSERS Lab Animal Facility Users LANMAN UTK LAN Managers and LAN Users LANMAN-NOVELL Lanman Novell LANMAN-NT Lanman NT LATLYR Latin Lyric Poetry LAUREL LAUREL LAWC Law Complex (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) LEADSERV Center for Leadership & Service LEANEDUC Lean Education Academic Network LEEDS-ALL LEEDS All LEEDS-FACULTY LEEDS Faculty LGBTANET UTK QUEER Network LIBDESK Library Service Points LIBMAKER Medbery Makerspace List LIBNT-L Library NT LIBRARY_INSTRUCTION Library Instruction LIB_GAME_NIGHTS Library Game Nights LIFELONGLEARNING Lifelong Learning UTK LIMITSUB UTK Office of Research Limited Submissions LITERACY-FL Private: For discussion of issues, news, and new resources for Florida's literacy provide LOD Learning & Organizational Development LSC-INFO LSC-Info MACGURU MAC LAN notification MAGNOLIAHALL Magnolia Hall MARCHINGBAND 2010 Marching Band MARCO Marco Institute for Medieval and Renaissance Studies MARCOMMD Marketing Communication and Diversity Interest Group MATHTALK Mathematics Seminar Announcements MATLAB MATLAB MCCLUNGTP McClung Tower and Plaza (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) MCCORDHALL McCord Hall (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) MCNAIRSUMMER McNair Summer Students ME452W me452w ME541W ME 541 MEGABITE MEGABITESS MELROSE Melrose MFALIST UTK MFA List MICROBIO Microbiology Department MIDBRKB Middlebrook Building (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) MILITARYKIDS Military Youth Programming MINGSTEM Minority Graduate STEM Majors close 8 7 2007 MINKAO Min H. Kao (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) MINUSTEM MInority UGrad Students in Science,Technology, Engineering and Math 8-7-2007 close MKTPLACE UT Market Place MMPH_SIG ABCT MENS MENTAL AND PHYSICAL HEALTH SIG MORGANH Morgan Hall (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) MORTALITYCOLLECTIVE MortalityCollective MOSSMAN MOSSMAN BUILDING (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) MPAONLINE MPA ONLINE MPH-ALL MPH-ALL MPH-CHE MPH Community Health Education MPH-EPI MPH-EPI MPH-HPM MPH-Health Policy and Management MPH-VPH MPH Veterinary Public Health MPPA MPA and MPP Students MSF09 Minority STEM Freshmen 2009 NABE-APA NABE Asian & Pacific Isanlanders SIG NADIGEST NA-Digest NALT National Library Trainers Listserv NASHGRAD UT Nashville CSW Graduate Group NASHPRSA Nashville Chapter Public Relations Society of America NATIONALPARKS Baker Center/NPCA National Parks NATLSECRESEARCHOPPS National Security Research Opportunities NC1186 Water Management and Quality for Ornamental Crop Production and Health NCMS National Campus Ministries Seminar NEWCOLLEGE New College Committee newmedia Streaming Media for Higher Education NEWPNTS UT Parents Association NIELSENPHYSICS Nielsen Physics Building (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) NIHONGO Japanese Language Discussion List NLHMUSC Natalie L. Haslam Music (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) NLSTEST newlistservtest NRSRYCRP Nursery Crop University Listserve NRTHGH North Greenhouse (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) NSBE UTK NSBE NSCS National Society of Collegiate Scholars UT Chapter NTSPTC Neyland-Thompson Center (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) NTTFAC Non-Tenure Track Faculty Listserv OCC-HELP COE Office of Computing & Communications Help OEQDIV Office of Equity and Diversity (For communications between Facilities Svcs and building users) OITEVENTS OIT Event Notification OITSINRG-USERS Scalable Intracampus Research Grid (SInRG) Users OLAP OLAP ORALERT UTK Office of Research Alert ORCENTER Administrative Communications with Heads of Centers & Joint Institues ORE-COMM No title defined ORE-FIN ORE College Financial Contacts OR_TRAIN_GENERAL Office of Research Training - General OS390 Discussion about OS390 issues OSFL OSFL (used for communications between Facilities Services and building users) OSP Division of Research Administration (DRA) PACAREER UT Parents Association PANHENB Panhellenic Building (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) PARTNERS adidas Partners in Sports PARTNERSHIP Partnership PEAAGRDE Peasant Agricultural Development PEDIATRICSGRANDROUNDSFACULTY Pediatrics Grand Rounds Faculty PEDIATRICSGRANDROUNDSSTAFF Pediatrics Grand Rounds Staff PEMBACA Physician Leadership Symposium PEMBACOU UTK Physician EMBA Advisory Council PEMBAFAC Physician EMBA Faculty PEMBASTU UTK Physician EMBA Students PEMBATLK PEMBA Alumni & Student COVID-19 Listserv PERKINSHALL Perkins Hall (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) PERMITOFFICE PTS Permit Office PGSA UT Psychology Graduate Student Association PH-UNDERGRAD Public Health Undergraduate Listserv PHYSCOLL UTK Physics Colloquium PHYSFACU UTK Physics Faculty PHYSGPS UT Physics GPS PHYSGRAD UTK Physics Graduate Students PHYSLATINX PHYS - LATINX PHYSRS UTK Physics Research Staff PHYSSTAF UTK Physics Staff PHYSTENU UTK Physics Tenured Faculty PHYSUGRA UTK Physics Undergraduate Students PHYSVOTE UTK Physics Vote PHYSWOMEN PHYSWOMEN PLANTBIOTECHNOLOGY Plant Biotechnology Building (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) PMATTERS APAC Policy Matters Newsletter PNTSASSO UT Parents Association POLISCI Department of Political Science POLSGRAD UTK Political Science Graduate Students POST911 NEW POST 9/11 GI BILL PRIDECTR Pride Center PROF-LIC CEHHS Professional Licensure Listserv PROMBA2020 Professional MBA 2020 PROMBA2021 Professional MBA 2021 PRSATALK Public Relations Society of America PSYCH-TYPE Psychological Type Mailing List PSYMAJOR UTK Psychology Major PTSNEWS Parking & Transit Services Newsletter PUBHPHD PUBH PHD PUBSRVB Publications and Services (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) PWR-ELECTRONICS CURENT Power Electronics Group QPR Question Persuade Referral QPRC Quality and Productivity Research Conference QUALITATIVEVOLS Qualitative News, Events, and Opportunities QUALTALK QUALtalk: Qualitative Research Talk R-IV-HRD Region IV Human Resource Development RACHEFFR Racheff Research (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) RAILSOCIETY Rail Society at UT RANEWS SEE Center News for RAs RAOR Research Administrator OutReach (RAOR) RCC Reading Center Collaborative READGRAD UTK Reading Education Graduate Students RECSPORT UT RecSports Department RESEARCH Research RETIREES CEHHS Retirees Contact List RGOODNWS Research Good News RISKCOM COM553 Risk Communication ROUNDTABLE ROUNDTABLE RSM Recreation & Sport Management SAF SkillSoft Academic Forum SAP-KNOX Knoxville SAP Users SAP-UTC UTC SAP Users SAP-UTM UTM SAP Users SAP-UTS UT Southern SAP Users SAP-UTSI UTSI SAP Users SAPCAMP SAP Campus Management Group SAPHEG-N SAP Higher Ed Users - North SAPHEG-S SAP Higher Ed Users - South SAPHEM SAP Higher Education Managers SAPHENW SAP Higher Education Netweaver SAPOZEO SAPOZEO SAPUSERS SAP Users SBCDOCS SBCDOCS SCCOLLEGE South College (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) SEASECS Southeastern American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies SEENEWS SEE Center News SENATE UTK Faculty Senate SENTERHALL Senter Hall (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) SEQCLIEN UT Genomics Core SERENA Communications & Marketing Testing Listserv SERF Science and Engineering (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) SESTADIUM South & East Stadium (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) SFRPBIOMASS sfrpbiomass closed 1 23 2007 Samuel Jackson SGRNHS South Greenhouse (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) SHPE UTK SHPE SHWALABS Southern Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Labs SIGHCI-L ASIS&T SIG Human Computer Interaction SIGMANU Sigma Nu SIGRFBE AERA SIG Research Focus on Black Education SIS-BSIS School of Information Sciences BSIS SIS-PRAC-HOSTS SIS Practicum Hosts SIS-RDMC SIS Research Data Management Certificate SIS-UC4-LPR Banner UC4 KBANPR SIS102 SIS 102 SIS485 SIS 485, Internet SIS485-2 SIS 485 SIS490 UTK SIS 490, Universal Design for Information Technologies and Services SIS490KNOX UTK SIS 490, The Information Environment, Knoxville Program SISPHDSTUDENTS SIS PhD Students SISREG UTK Office of the University Registrar SLNEWS UT Service-Learning SMC Smoky Mountain Counselors SOAALUM School of Art Alumni SOAFAC School of Art Faculty SOAGRAD School of Art Graduate SOAMAJ School of Art Majors SOCGRAD Sociology Graduate Students SOD Southeast Organic Dairy SOLID_FOUNDATION Solid Foundation SPC Strategic Planning Committee SPHS Society for Phenomenology and the Human Sciences SRDC Student Records / Data Control moth balled 6 18 2009 carol anderson SRFR Soybean Rust First Responders SSP Southeastern Society of Parasitologists SSSP-G SSSP Graduate Students STDHEALTHC Student Health Clinic (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) STDSERVB Student Services Building (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) STDUNION Student Union (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) STEA-UTK Student Teachers Education Association at UTK STEMEDSEMINARSERIES UTK's STEM Education Seminar Series STEMSTU STEM Students 2009 STOKELYMANAGEMENTCENTER Stokely Management Center (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) STRONG Strong Hall (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) STUDENT-AT-TENNESSEE Student@Tennessee SUNGRANT Sun Grant closed 1-23-2007 Samuel Jackson SUNSITE-GIS SunSITE GIS Users' Group SURPLUS Surplus for Depts UTK SUSTAIN Sustainability SWG--ANNOUNCEMENTS SWG--Announcements replaced by swg-announcements SWG-ANNOUNCEMENTS SWG-Announcements SWGIII Switchgrass III Conference SWLIG-L Social Work Librarians Interest Group T-CLUB UT Lettermens T Club TANDEC Fibers and Composites Manufacturing (For communications btw Facilities Svcs and bldg users) TAPOCO Tapoco Project TASPNET Tennessee Association of School Psychologists TASTDLIFEC Thornton Athletics (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) TBARENA Thompson-Boling Arena (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) TCEFIRST Tickle College of Engineering Students (First Year) TCEGRAD Tickle College of Engineering Students (Grad) TCEJUN Tickle College of Engineering Students (Juniors) TCESEN Tickle College of Engineering Students (Seniors) TCESOPH Tickle College of Engineering Students (Sophomores) TCE_OPENSTAFFPOSITIONS TCE Open Staff Positions TCWN Tennessee Clean Water Network TEACHLEARNTECH Teaching & Learning Technologies TEAMVOLS-ANIMAL TeamVOLS closed 2 22 2011 aww TEAMVOLS-EVENTS TeamVOLS Events TEAMVOLS-GLOBAL TeamVOLS closed 2 22 2011 aww TEAMVOLS-HOSPITALS TeamVOLS Remote Area Medical TEAMVOLS-HUNGER TeamVOLS closed 2 22 2011 aww TEAMVOLS-KNOX TeamVOLS closed 2 22 2011 aww TEAMVOLS-LITERACY TeamVOLS closed 2 22 2011 aww TEAMVOLS-SENIORS TeamVOLS closed 2 22 2011 aww TEAMVOLS-SPERSONS TeamVOLS closed 2 22 2011 aww TEAMVOLS-WOMEN TeamVOLS closed 2 22 2011 aww TEAMVOLS-YOUTH TeamVOLS Leadership Staff TECHTRAN Tech Transfer, UTRF TEKCOM tekcom TELTRAIN News for Tennessee Electronic Library Trainers TEMPLEH Temple Hall (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) TENNAAUP Tennessee Conference, AAUP TENNESSEEONTHEMOVE Tennessee On The Move TESTLIST1 Test for SHS listserve TESTLIST2 test of announce only TESTLIST3 Testing LISTSERV smtp routing updates TEXT Society for Textual Scholarship THIRDCREEK Third Creek Building TICKLE Tickle Building (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) TLA-L Tennessee Library Association and other Tennessee librarians TLI Teaching & Learning Innovation TMG Tennessee Master Gardener TN-ARCHIVES TN-Archives TN-LIBRARIES TN-Libraries TN4HFND Tennessee 4-H Foundation TNBAN Tennessee Banner Users Group TNEPSCOR Tennessee EPSCoR TNFEDCEC Tennessee Federation Council for Exceptional Children TNGEOALL Tennessee Geographic Alliance TNHEEM Tennessee Higher Education Emergency Managers TNHSCHOOL Tennessee High Schools TNLIBSDE Tennessee Libraries Delivering Services Remotely TNMUG Tennessee Travel Model User's Group TNNOLEAD Tennessee Lead Poisoning Prevention Consortium TNOMK Tennessee Operation: Military Kids TNSCHADM Tennessee School Administrators TNSDC Tennessee State Data Center TNWRRCTA TN Water Center TA TN_PC1101 TENNESSEE Public Chapter 1101: A Participatory Evaluation TPRC Tennessee Plant Research Center TPTE-ALL TPTE All TPTE-CENTERS TPTE Centers TPTE-CFS-STEM-UNIT TPTE CFS/STEM Unit TPTE-SPED-PSYCH-UNIT TPTE SPED/Psych Unit TPTE-TEACHERED-UNIT TPTE Teacher Education Unit TPTEDOCFAC TPTE Departmental doctoral faculty TRANSSRV Transportation Services (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) TRAVEL Travel TRAVELDD Travel Direct Deposit TRECS TN Rec Center for Students (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) TRIBUTE UT Special Events TRNSCTR Undergraduate Admissions Transfer Center TSCA Tennessee School Counselor Association TSI Tennessee Solar Institute TTAP Tennessee Transportation Assistance Program TVPDC Tennessee Valley Professional Development Consortium TYHOUSE Tyson House Episcopal and Lutheran Campus Ministry at UTK TYSONALUMC Tyson Alumni Center (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) TYSONFS Faculty and Staff Friends of Tyson House UCW United Campus Workers UCW-ETSU UCW-ETSU UCW-NES UCW-Northeast State UCW-PSTCC UCW-Pellissippi State UCW-TTU UCW-TTU UCWMEMPHIS ucwmemphis UCWMTSU UCW MTSU UCWPLANNING UCW Planning UGSUMMER Summer Research Scholars UIELEM Urban Impact Elementary School Curriculum UIHS Urban Impact High School Curriculum UIMS Urban Impact Middle School Curriculum UNITE Urban Network to Improve Teacher Education UNITE13 UNITE UNIUSERS CALENDAR UNIVCTR University Center URHC The United Residence Halls Council USG_HPCC Newton Program High Performance Compute Cluster Moth balled 6 2 2011 UT-COE-FACULTY-SENATE UT COE Faculty Senate UT-ORII UT-ORII Students UT-PROFESSIONAL-DEVELOPMENT UT Professional Development UT-REACH Campus Engagement and Outreach News UTADCLUB UT Ad Club (on hold) UTADMINF UT Admission Information for High School Counselors UTAMA UT American Marketing Association UTASMAJ UT Asian Studies Majors UTASSESS UT Assessment UTATHLETICS UT Athletics (on hold) UTBLOGGERS UT Bloggers UTCH-L UT Canoe and Hiking Club Discussion Group UTCOEAMB College of Engineering Ambassadors UTCOMPI UTK Combined PI list UTCONF07 UTK ASCE Conference 2007 UTCOPCE UT COP Continuing Education UTCSBUS Business Careers UTCSCOM Communications Careers UTCSLAW Law, Gov't and Non-Profit Careers UTCSSS Social Services Careers UTCVMDSL UTCVM DIAGNOSTIC SERVICE LABORATORIES UTDEMS College Democrats at the University of Tennessee UTELEM Urban Impact Elementary School Curriculum UTEMAIL UT Email Information UTENNSRP Tennessee Student Rewards Program UTFSAP UT Facilities Services AP UTFSONE Tennessee One Call UTK Facilities Services Responders UTFSPROJ UT Facilities Projects UTFYENET First Year Experience Network closed UTGLOBAL UT Global Security UTIAGLOBAL UTIA Smith International Center UTIMPACT UT Urban IMPACT UTJUDAIC UT Judaic UTK-ASL UTK American Sign Language Program UTK-BANNER Banner installation at UTK UTK-CSP UTK-CSP UTK-IFC UTK Interfraternity Council UTK-ORNL-ASTRO UTK/ORNL Astro UTKASCE UTK American Society of Civil Engineers UTKASSC UTK Adult Student Association UTKBCM UTK Baptist Collegiate Ministry UTKCBT UTK Clarence Brown Theatre UTKDOD UTK DOD Opportunities UTKDOENV UTK DOE Investigators UTKENG UTK English UTKENVIRONMENT UT Recycles, UT Cares UTKFS-EVENTS Facilities Events Communications UTKGC UTK Graduate Coordinators UTKGEOG Department of Geography UTKGRADCOUN UTK Graduate Council UTKHRT UTK Hotel, Restaurant, and Tourism UTKHRTSA UTK Hotel Restaurant & Tourism Student Association UTKMATH UT Undergraduate Math Majors, Minors, Interest UTKMBA UTK MBA Program UTKMRS Material Research Society UTKNASA UTK NASA Opportunities UTKNIHNV UTK NIH Investigators UTKNSFNV UTK NSF Investigators UTKPCUB Pre-College Upward Bound Program UTKPPD UTK Professional & Personal Development UTKQUAL UTK Qualitative Research Community UTKRELIGIOUSSTUDIES Dept of Religious Studies UTKRS UTK Religious Studies UTKSIS-L UTK School of Information Sciences UTKSUST Sustainability Program Listserv UTKVA UTK Office of Veterans Affairs UTKVAWC UTK SEE Center- Violence Against Women Committee UTKVETERANS UTKVeterans UTKWOMENOFCOLOR Women of Color Empowerment Network UTK_CSSA UTK Chinese Students and Scholars Association UTK_FLAG Notices for UTK half-mast significance. UTLABS UT Computer Lab Managers UTLISNET SIS 567, Information Network Applications UTMACLUB UT Martial Arts Club UTMANRRS UTK MANRRS Chapter UTMEDHUM UT Medical Humanities UTMSRC UT Math & Science Regional Center UTMUNION UTM Chapter of UCW-CWA UTNCPS UT New College Prospective Students UTNRL Distribution of UTNRL Research Information and News. UTOL University of Tennessee Online Learning UTOP UT Outdoor Program UTPCARDS Procurement Card Participants UTPD UTPD UTPHN UT Public Health Nutrition UTPMCOP UT PM Community of Practice UTPRESSSTAFF UT Press � University of Tennessee Press UTRA UT Retirees' Association UTRA-ENEWSLETTER UTRA E Newsletter UTRFHSC UT Research Foundation (UTRF) UTSAHA UT Student Art History Association UTSEC UT System IT Security UTSHRM UT Society of Human Resources Management UTSIS UT Student Information Systems UTSIS-ADVISORY-BOARD utsis-advisory-board UTSIS-JOBS UTSIS-Jobs UTSIS-ORGS UTK School of Information Sciences Student Organizations UTSIS-TECH UTSIS-TECH UTSIS-WEB UTSIS Developers UTSURVEY UT Survey UTTMLIST UT Toastmasters Club UTWEBDEV UT Web Developers UTWEBSURVEYS UT Web Surveys UTWELCOMC UT Welcome Center (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) UT_DRIVE UT Drive Services Buildings (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) UT_TLTR UT Teaching, Learning, and Technology Roundtable VADEP Dependents VA Education benefits VBPRO-L Discuss of VBPro Software VERITAS UTK Veritas Forum VERI_TAS Veterans Research Interest Team, Advocacy and Support VETSW Veterinary Social Work Listserv VETTCHH Veterinary Teaching Hospital (For communications between Facilities Svcs and building users) VIDEOCONFERENCING Video Conferencing VOLAWARE Vol Aware Committee VOLCALLS Vol Calls VOLCONNECTION Vol Connections VOLS4CHRIST Volunteers for Christ VOLSABROAD Programs Abroad Office VOLSOCCER Tennessee Soccer VOLTIXS Student Football Tickets VOLUPDATE Vol Update VOLVOICES Volunteer Voices VOXPROF VOXPROF: UTK Faculty Forum WALKINDEMO Demo list WALTERSLIFESCIENCES Walters Life Sciences Bldg (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) WAPAQUA W. Allan Jones Aquatic Center (For communications between Facilities Svcs and building users) WBANTHROC William Bass Anthropology Center (For communications between Facilities Svcs and bldg users) WEBACCESS Web Accessibility WEBPROJ Web Project Request WEBWO Web Work Order Request WESLEY Wesley Foundation WESTHILLSPTA West Hills PTA WMNSPEAK UTK Women Speak WORKSHOP Writers' / Readers' Workshop Discussion Group WSSCD2 WSS COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE WUOTINFO WUOT Updates WUTK WUTK 90.3-FM The Rock E-Blast ZEANAHENGINEERING Zeanah Engineering (For communications between Facilities Services and building users)
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