List Name |
List Title |
Knoxville SAP Users (2352 Subscribers) |
UTC SAP Users (379 Subscribers) |
UTM SAP Users (268 Subscribers) |
UT Southern SAP Users (34 Subscribers) |
UTSI SAP Users (40 Subscribers) |
SAP Campus Management Group (81 Subscribers) |
SAP Higher Ed Users - North (0 Subscribers) |
SAP Higher Ed Users - South (0 Subscribers) |
SAP Higher Education Managers (20 Subscribers) |
SAP Higher Education Netweaver (32 Subscribers) |
SAPOZEO (46 Subscribers) |
SAP Users (28 Subscribers) |
SBCDOCS (3 Subscribers) |
South College (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) (96 Subscribers) |
Southeastern American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (314 Subscribers) |
SEE Center News (0 Subscribers) |
UTK Faculty Senate (147 Subscribers) |
Senter Hall (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) (34 Subscribers) |
UT Genomics Core (0 Subscribers) |
Communications & Marketing Testing Listserv (9 Subscribers) |
Science and Engineering (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) (299 Subscribers) |
South & East Stadium (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) (93 Subscribers) |
sfrpbiomass closed 1 23 2007 Samuel Jackson (19 Subscribers) |
South Greenhouse (For communications between Facilities Services and building users) (8 Subscribers) |
UTK SHPE (1 Subscriber) |
Southern Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Labs (31 Subscribers) |
ASIS&T SIG Human Computer Interaction (6 Subscribers) |
Sigma Nu (1 Subscriber) |
AERA SIG Research Focus on Black Education (2 Subscribers) |
School of Information Sciences BSIS (285 Subscribers) |
SIS Practicum Hosts (81 Subscribers) |
SIS Research Data Management Certificate (0 Subscribers) |
Banner UC4 KBANPR (3 Subscribers) |
SIS 102 (1 Subscriber) |
SIS 485, Internet (2 Subscribers) |
SIS 485 (1 Subscriber) |
UTK SIS 490, Universal Design for Information Technologies and Services (14 Subscribers) |
UTK SIS 490, The Information Environment, Knoxville Program (1 Subscriber) |
SIS PhD Students (18 Subscribers) |
UTK Office of the University Registrar (401 Subscribers) |
UT Service-Learning (0 Subscribers) |
Smoky Mountain Counselors (91 Subscribers) |
School of Art Alumni (78 Subscribers) |
School of Art Faculty (0 Subscribers) |
School of Art Graduate (0 Subscribers) |
School of Art Majors (0 Subscribers) |
Sociology Graduate Students (0 Subscribers) |
Southeast Organic Dairy (15 Subscribers) |
Solid Foundation (9 Subscribers) |
Strategic Planning Committee (46 Subscribers) |