

Dear PRSATALK subscribers,

I am a student at Emporia State University and am currently enrolled in a
class called On-Line Communications.  The reason that I am writing to you is
to gain knowledge on your specific areas of expertise of Public Relations.
I have a few questions that I would like to ask those of you who are
professionals in this fast growing field of communication.

1)How did you get your start in Public Relations?

2)What is your "rule" that you live by when dealing with the public?

3)What type of field are you involved with, e.g promotions, foundation
development, publications, legislation, etc.?

4)Why did you join this field?

5)What type of opportunities are available for a young college student  such
as myself in this profession?

Any response that you are willing to give would be greatly appreciated by
myself and my classmates.
Thank You,
Sarah DeVault
(Emporia State University, Emporia Kansas)

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