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2024 ALAO Conference Call for Proposals

The Academic Library Association of Ohio (ALAO) Conference Planning committee invites you to submit proposals for the 50th ALAO Annual Conference.   

In-Person Conference Location (Friday, Nov 8, 2024): OCLC Convention Center, Dublin, OH

Submission Deadline:  April 15, 2024

Submission Form: 

Please note also that grants are available for Students and Library Support Staff to attend or aid in presenting at the conference.  

Adherence to the conference theme, Ohio Academic Libraries: Past, Present, & Future, is encouraged but not required.  Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

Proposal Submissions

Choose which option best fits your topic(s). Multiple submissions are allowed, but each must represent a different topic.

Conference Session Proposals:

We invite proposals from all areas of library work in the form of presentations, posters, & lightning talks.  If you have a unique session format idea, please submit it under the Presentation option (i.e., panel discussions, etc.).

Full Details & Guidelines:  

We invite everyone to contribute your ideas to make the 50th ALAO conference the best yet!  

If you have questions about conference programming or proposal submissions, please contact ALAO  and Rob Withers at [log in to unmask]