
Library Legislative Day 2024 will take place on Tuesday, April 9 beginning at 8am. We will be hosting library workers and supporters at the Cordell Hull Building, Room 8C until 11am. However, please do not hesitate to continue meeting with legislators and aides/assistants throughout the afternoon schedules permit. Registration is free and now open. If you plan to attend in person, we encourage you to register in advance. Additionally, we are designating the color black to wear, as we plan to invite legislators to join us for a group photo.

Can't be there in person but want to be part of the advocacy work? Share your library stories and invite legislators to visit your library on social media on April 9 using #TNlegeday24. Be sure to tag your legislators.

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Erika S. Long
Consultant | Not Yo Mama’s Librarian, LLC
ALA Chapter Councilor (TN)
Twitter | @erikaslong
Instagram | @notyomamaslibrarian
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