Dear all, 

I received this request to share a survey with undergraduate students about student employees of UT.  Below is a description about the study.  
You are free to choose if you want to participate in the study or not, and you can contact Maggie Lingle with any questions.

cheers, Solange.

I hope this email finds you well. My name is Maggie Lingle, and I am a Master’s Candidate in the Public Administration program here at the Baker School. I am writing to seek your permission to distribute a survey to students within your department for a student project I am currently working on. The purpose of the survey is to gather data on student employees who have gone without pay from the University.

The survey will be conducted anonymously and will not take more than five minutes to complete. As of right now, the information gathered will be used solely for academic purposes for a final project in my Ethics class. However, if the project is approved, it may be brought to the Administration to implement policy change for student workers. 

Increased participation from students on Campus would greatly contribute to the comprehensiveness and reliability of the data collected and would allow me to draft better policies that would better serve our students’ needs. Therefore, I kindly request if you would be willing to distribute the survey via email to students in your department.

Attached below is the link to the survey, should you wish to distribute it. 

Thank you very much for considering my request,

Maggie Lingle

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