


I spent the morning trying to figure out how to apply for FEMA funds and
low interest loans for reverse osmosis equipment.  The site seems to be not
working well and the benefit cost analysis that is required for some funds
does not seem to work when downloaded.(perhaps it's my computer, but I
cannot seem to get the icon that starts the process after opening the
spreadsheet).  When searching for fundable emergency supplies, reverse
osmosis equipment does not appear in the approved list.

It looks like low interest loans are the avenue that growers can pursue.

This isn't much help, but wanted to pass along.


On Wed, Sep 27, 2023 at 4:41 PM Fields, Jeb S. <
[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Hi fellow water enthusiasts,
> I am working to find some options for our growers dealing with salt water
> intrusion in the New Orleans and below area. I thought this group might
> have some ideas they would be willing to share.
> If anyone doesn’t know, we have been in a massive drought in southern LA
> this summer. As a result saltwater is moving up the Mississippi River and
> getting into the groundwater and drinking water. I have a few large
> nurseries in the sub New Orleans areas looking for options. I am pulling
> resources together and thought I would ask if anyone has some insight as to
> dealing with saltwater intrusion on the nursery, or any resources available
> for growers.
> Thanks in advance!
> Jeb
> Jeb S. Fields, PhD
> Assistant Professor & Extension Specialist, LSU AgCenter
> Assistant Research Coordinator, Hammond Research Station
> Arlene and Joseph Meraux Endowed Professor of Commercial Horticulture
> 21549 Old Covington Hwy., Hammond, LA  70403
> Email: [log in to unmask]
> Office: 985-543-4125

Anthony V. LeBude, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Nursery Crops Extension and Research
NC State University
Department of Horticultural Science
Mountain Horticultural Crops Research and Extension Center
455 Research Drive
Mills River, NC 28759
Extension: 3540
skype: av.lebude1
Zoom: a clearinghouse of information for Extension
agents and growers to learn about nursery production.