

Good afternoon all,


Please see the update information below regarding conference lodging.


We are looking forward to seeing you all next month!


Thank you for your patience,



From: Fisher, Marcy <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2023 10:40 AM
Subject: SRBPO Lodging


Good morning all,


Thank you guys so much for your patience as we have been diligently working through the lodging situation.  Please be assured that it was beyond our control, but we still apologize for the delay in being able to secure additional lodging.


We were not able to get any additional rooms at the Westin but we have booked overflow lodging at the Marriot on Canal, which is less than a mile away from the Westin.  The link to book your room is below, but it’s only for the nights of the actual conference.  If you need additional nights, please proceed with booking your initial lodging and reach out to me so that I can get your additional nights added.


We will update the registration site to show the hotels and the lodging rates so that you will have the information for your travel reimbursement documentation.  If you have any questions, need additional information or have issues with the booking link, please do not hesitate to let us know.


Thanks and we will see you soon,



Book your group rate for Southern Region Business & Personnel Officers' Overflow


Marcy Fisher

Director of Budget

101K Norman Efferson Hall

Baton Rouge, LA  70802


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