Are you a “neurotypical” (do not identify as neurodivergent) librarian working with a neurodivergent librarian at a US public or academic library? Please consider participating in an interview with our research team. We are seeking participants for the second stage of an IMLS-funded research project conducted by faculty and graduate students from the Information School at the University of Washington.


You are eligible to participate if you are a “neurotypical” (do not identify as neurodivergent) librarian who is either of the following:

Currently, neurodivergent librarians remain underrepresented in the profession, and there is very little research and few established practices to guide their recruitment, onboarding, retention, and advancement. The goal of this two-year project is to is to build libraries’ capacity, at the team level, to improve employment outcomes of neurodivergent librarians, including representation, empowerment, equity, belonging, and advancement.


If you are interested and eligible to participate, please visit our website for more information:


We have already conducted extensive interviews with neurodivergent librarians, but will be seeking additional participants for the next phase of our research involving a nationwide survey. If you would like to be contacted when the survey becomes available, please feel free to send us your preferred contact information at [log in to unmask] and we will add you to our contact list.


This research study has been approved by the University of Washington Institutional Review Board. If you have any questions, please contact our research team at [log in to unmask]. Please share widely!



Best wishes,




Christine M. Moeller, MLIS

Pronouns: They/She

Ph.D. Candidate | Information School

Graduate Certificate Program | Disability Studies 

University of Washington

[log in to unmask]  |


I generally read/write emails on weekday mornings, but my work hours may not be your work hours, so please do not feel obligated to respond to my emails outside of your work hours.