

Call For Posters, ACM IMC 2023, Montréal, Canada

The 2023 Internet Measurement Conference will include a poster session. Topics of interest include all topics listed on the general IMC 2023 call-for-papers. The poster track is an opportunity for researchers to discuss their early/ongoing work, tools, and datasets with attendees of IMC.

The goal of the IMC Poster session is to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas with peers from the community. We look for early work of interest to the community, even if it is not yet complete, and for tools or datasets that are of use to the community, even if the tool or dataset by itself may not warrant a paper.

Submissions should not be previously published in a workshop, conference, or journal. Extended abstracts will be published with ACM. Updates of previously presented poster and demo ideas are possible, as are descriptions of previously published tools/datasets that have new features.

Submission guidelines

Poster submissions must include an extended abstract no longer than two 8.5x11-inch pages, including all figures and references.

This extended abstract should use the same LaTeX template as full IMC 2023 papers; it should be formatted in two columns, single-spaced, and with a font no smaller than 10-point.

The title should begin with “Poster:”

You do not have to anonymize your submission.

Submission will open soon. Submission link for extended abstracts:

Submissions for posters should only include the extended abstract, not the poster itself. If accepted, we will send you guidelines on creating the poster.

All submissions undergo a peer review process with at least two reviewers. We hope to take as many posters as we can support at the venue with the goal of sharing early results. For any questions, please contact the poster session chairs Cristel Pelsser ([log in to unmask]) and Diala Naboulsi ([log in to unmask]).

Important Dates

For this year’s edition, we will proceed in two rounds. We’ll have a first round with posters that will be reviewed by the poster TPC members, as follows:

This deadline ensures that poster authors can apply for visas in time to attend the conference. If you need a visa send a poster by the first deadline.

In the second round, we’ll consider the acceptance of papers rejected from the main conference track, as posters, based on recommendations from the main conference TPC members. This deadline is meant for papers that passed the second round of reviews. For those papers, we’ll invite authors to resubmit their papers as posters according to the following deadlines:



Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou, Assistant Professor

Computer Engineering Vice Chair

Director of Recruiting and Admissions


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM, 87131

Office: 326B

Tel.: (505)-277-5501

Email: [log in to unmask]

Website: PROTON Lab

PROTON Lab’s News: @Tsiropoulou_EE


“Those who know, do. Those that understand, teach.” ~ Aristotle