

Hi Loren, I remember the conversation and thought it would be a great opportunity. January would be the next federal fiscal year so it would work out with still having a meeting before October this year. We should definitely discuss it at this year’s meeting.

Thanks- Tom

Dr. Tom Fernandez
Professor, Department of Horticulture
1066 Bogue St., Room A216
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 48824-1325

Phone: 517-353-0336
Fax: 517-353-0890

On May 8, 2023, at 12:35 PM, Lorence Oki <[log in to unmask]> wrote:



On another NC1186 topic, I’ve been communicating with Paul Fisher about repeating in San Diego the workshop that we conducted in South Africa.  I mentioned this at the dinner in Stellenbosch following the event.  The Western Region- IPPS Annual meeting will be held on the week of January  21st 2024 and I had proposed to the meeting organizers of having the workshop as part of the conference.  Of course they agreed.  I am organizing the speakers and tour for the conference with a colleague who is representing WR-IPPS.  We’ll be looking at the tour stops and feasibility of holding the demonstrations at one or more of the stops.  I hope that this can work as I thought the SGASA event was outstanding.


Best to you,




Lorence (Loren) R. Oki, Ph.D.
CE Specialist, Environmental Horticulture
Co-Director, UC Nursery & Floriculture Alliance

Department of Plant Sciences, MS6
Room 1110 Environmental Horticulture
University of California
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616-8780
(530) 754-4135  office
[log in to unmask]


From: Water Management and Quality for Ornamental Crop Production and Health <[log in to unmask]> On Behalf Of Fernandez, Rodney
Sent: Monday, May 8, 2023 9:16 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Annual Meeting


I haven’t heard any discussion of the annual meeting since our South Africa plan was vetoed. I think we are all expecting to have an in-person meeting at a location where we have the opportunity to see some interesting, relevant horticulture operations. It is getting late in the federal fiscal year and we need to decide on a location very soon.


My 2 cents- it is too late to combine with Cultivate or ASHS. 


Usually the chair hosts the meeting in their state and often organizes a grower conference before or after the meeting to take advantage of the expertise of the visiting members.

Dr. Tom Fernandez

Professor, Department of Horticulture

1066 Bogue St., Room A216

Michigan State University

East Lansing, MI 48824-1325


Phone: 517-353-0336

Fax: 517-353-0890