Hi Loren, your conference will be in the next fiscal year and could be a possible site for the annual meeting. 

Tom Fernandez 
Department of Horticulture 
Michigan State University 
East Lansing, MI 48824-1325

On May 16, 2023, at 4:01 PM, Lorence Oki <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

NC1186 members:


I am organizing the annual conference of the Western Region-IPPS in the San Diego area on January 23-26, 2024 and I would like to invite you to speak at the meeting.  I am developing a program of two days of speakers and a full day tour of nurseries in the area and am working with Garrett to organize this as an outreach and extension event of the NC1186 group, so there are several benefits to participation, besides helping me to develop a program for nursery growers in the West.


The meeting will take place at the Pechanga Casino in Temecula that is in the northern part of San Diego County.  There are more than 500 nurseries in San Diego County and that county has the highest productivity of horticultural products in the nation. 


Since this will be an NC1186 “official” event, you may be able to obtain funds to cover your travel, you can add this to your AES reports as an activity outside of your state/region, and it helps the group to satisfy its extension role. 


If you would like to speak at this event, please send me a proposed title of your presentation by May 31st.


Garrett will be organizing a research meeting held virtually.  email determining a date so that the majority of the members can attend has been sent.






Lorence (Loren) R. Oki, Ph.D.
CE Specialist, Environmental Horticulture
Co-Director, UC Nursery & Floriculture Alliance

Department of Plant Sciences, MS6
Room 1110 Environmental Horticulture
University of California
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616-8780
(530) 754-4135  office
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