

Dear Members and Friends, 

Depending on when this message greets you, it’s Library Legislative Day or the eve of. While Tennessee isn’t seeing the massive book challenges other and proposed legislation other states are faced with, we are by no means exempt from similar efforts. This Library Legislative Day, join us in speaking up for intellectual freedom. Can’t meet us in Nashville? Use your voice virtually. Reach out to legislators by phone or email. Send some snail mail if you’ve got an extra stamp. Tag them in a social media post. Encourage library users, friends, and supporters to connect with their representatives as well. Attached are some talking tips and the legislative monitor of current bills on the floor and in committees this week. If you haven’t already, please support the campaign shared last week and spread the word.

There is still time. Now is the time. Let’s make some good trouble, y’all!! 

Erika S. Long
Consultant | Not Yo Mama’s Librarian, LLC
ALA Chapter Councilor (TN)
Twitter | @erikaslong
Instagram | @notyomamaslibrarian