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From: Meili Powell <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Tue, Feb 28, 2023 at 4:01 PM
Subject: TN Coalition for Truth in Our Classrooms | Sign-On Action Opportunity by Tomorrow 3/1 10AM CT
Cc: Reginald Nash <[log in to unmask]>, Ruth Boyajian <[log in to unmask]>

Good afternoon,


You are receiving this email because you have previously expressed interest in or registered for The TN Coalition for Truth in Our Classrooms: What You Need to Know About Tennessee’s Latest Censorship Laws. I wanted to follow up and let you know that we will be releasing a 2023 Bill Advocacy Toolkit for all new filed censorship legislation that will be live soon on our main resource hub page - be on the lookout for the link on the right "action" side bar. 

Second, I wanted to share an urgent letter sign-on opportunity related to a law that we've previously discussed: The Age Appropriate Materials Act (Public Chapter 744), which included an implied requirement by a related TDOE memo for our educators to list every single material in their classroom library on their school website, and is then subject to review by their local school board or charter school governing board. 



Tomorrow, Wednesday, March 1st at 3:00 PM CT, The Senate Education Committee will be hearing a new proposed bill - SB1078 (Yarbro) / HB1040 (Jernigan) - that would amend current law and make progress toward removing this burdensome requirement to list every single book in a teacher's library, which would be a step in the right direction to support our educators, students, and school communities. 

TAKE ACTION NOW by filling out this form to express your support by tomorrow, Wednesday, March 1st, at 10:00AM CT. Please share with your network too! 

In partnership,


Meili  Powell
Advocacy & Partnerships Manager
114 30th Avenue S.
Nashville, TN, 37212


REV: April 2020