

Subject: NA Digest, V. 23, # 5

NA Digest  Sunday, February 12, 2023  Volume 23 : Issue 5

Today's Editor:

    Daniel M. Dunlavy
    Sandia National Labs
    [log in to unmask]

Today's Topics:

    Call for Submissions, Prize in Memory of Maria Charina
    Nick Higham, Elected to the US National Academy of Engineering
    New Book, Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations
    Austrian Numerical Analysis Day,  Austria, Apr 2023
    Mathematics of Operational Research, UK, Apr 2023
    Deadline Extnded, PDSEC-23, USA, May 2023
    European Finite Element Fair, The Netherlands, May 2023
    REU Site, Big Data with HPC, UMBC, ONLINE, Jun-Jul 2023
    IFORS Triennial Conference, Chile, Jul 2023
    Summer School/Workshop, Applied Analysis, Germany, Sep 2023
    Professor Positions, Mathematics and CS, TU Eindhoven
    Associate Professor Position, Applied Mathematics, Finland
    Postdoc Positions, Machine Learning, UBC Okanagan, Canada
    PhD Position, Mathematics, University of Oslo, Norway
    PhD Positions, NA, TU Chemnitz, Germany
    PhD Positions, Numerical Linear Algebra and HPC, Czech Republic
    Contents, EECT Evolution Equations and Control Theory, 12 (3)

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Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Mariantonia Cotronei [log in to unmask]
Date: February 09, 2023
Subject: Call for Submissions, Prize in Memory of Maria Charina

Maria Charina was an extraordinarily talented mathematician who passed
away prematurely last year.

We are pleased to announce that a prize dedicated to the memory of
Maria will be awarded at the International Conference on Approximation
Theory and Applications to be held in Cetraro (Italy) on June 18-22,

The prize is intended for a young researcher who has obtained a PhD in
the five years preceding the closing date of the call for applications
(March 21, 2023), with a thesis related to the research topics
investigated by Maria.

The prize announcement and detailed instructions for applying can be
found on the conference website

Any queries can be emailed to [log in to unmask]

Prize Committee: Costanza Conti (Universita di Firenze), Mariantonia
Cotronei (Universita Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria), Stefano De
Marchi (Universita di Padova), Mihai Putinar (University of California
at Santa Barbara), Lucia Romani (Universita di Bologna)


From: Jack Dongarra [log in to unmask]
Date: February 07, 2023
Subject: Nick Higham, Elected to the US National Academy of Engineering

Nick Higham was elected to the US National Academy of Engineering as
an international member. His citation reads: for design and analysis
of matrix algorithms widely used in diverse engineering applications.


From: Kees Vuik [log in to unmask]
Date: February 11, 2023
Subject: New Book, Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations

An Open Access version of the book "Numerical Methods for Ordinary
Differential Equations" is now available from TU Delft OPEN. This text
book has been used for more than 20 years to teach numerical methods
for ordinary differential equations to applied mathematics and
engineering students.

For the book see:


From: Markus Faustmann [log in to unmask]
Date: February 06, 2023
Subject: Austrian Numerical Analysis Day,  Austria, Apr 2023

We want to announce the 17th Austrian Numerical Analysis Day to be
held at the TU Wien in Vienna on 27 - 28 April 2023.

The goal of this workshop is to bring mathematicians working in
numerical analysis from Austrian universities and research
institutions together and especially provide a platform for young
researchers to present their results in a friendly environment.

Please look at the webpage for more information:


From: Pamela Bye [log in to unmask]
Date: February 09, 2023
Subject: Mathematics of Operational Research, UK, Apr 2023

27-28 April 2023
Conference Aston, Birmingham

Innovations and applications through the mathematics of operational
research. Contributions will be expected to showcase both Mathematics
and OR. The conference will host plenaries from leading international
experts, sessions of themed talks, as well as poster sessions, and
provide plenty of opportunities for networking.

Registration is now open via

We have a few sponsored spaces for students to attend the Maths of OR
Conference. In order to be considered for the funding please ask your
supervisors to send a message, no more than 500 words on why you
should receive the funding to [log in to unmask] . The deadline is
the 22 February 2023. If successful you will be contacted shortly

Call for Papers: Papers will be considered for the conference based on
a 300 word abstract for oral presentation. Abstracts should be
submitted by Wednesday 22 February 2023 via
. Call for Posters: Papers will be considered for the conference based
on a 300 word abstract for poster presentation. Posters are encouraged
particularly from PhD students, and a prize for the best poster
presentation will be awarded. Abstracts should be submitted by
Wednesday 22 February 2023 via .

Presenters are encouraged to submit their full paper to the IMA
Journal of Management Mathematics (IMAMAN). Deadline for submission of
full papers to IMAMAN is the 30 June 2023 (2 months after the
conference). We welcome papers in any of the 6 major Areas covered by
the journal: Decision Analysis, Finance, Health and Society,
Multidisciplinary management mathematics, Operations, Sport.  Please
reach out to the journal's editors, many of whom will be in the
conference, to discuss your work and its possible submission to
IMAMAN.  All submission details can be found on the website


From: Suzanne Shontz [log in to unmask]
Date: February 08, 2023
Subject: Deadline Extnded, PDSEC-23, USA, May 2023

The 24th IEEE International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed
Scientific and Engineering Computing (PDSEC-23)
( will be held on May 19, 2023 in
St. Petersburg, Florida in conjunction with IPDPS 2023.

Deadline: PDSEC-23 deadline: 12 Feb 2023 (AoE)

Scope and Interests: The technological trends in HPC system evolution
indicates an increasing burden placed on application developers due to
the management of the unprecedented complexity levels of hardware and
its associated performance characteristics. Many existing scientific
applications codes are unlikely to perform well on future systems
without major modifications or even complete rewrites. In the future,
it will be necessary to utilize, in concert, many characteristics such
as multiple levels of parallelism, many lightweight cores, complex
memory hierarchies, novel I/O technology, power capping, system-wide
temporal/spatial performance heterogeneity and reliability concerns.
The parallel and distributed computing (PDC) community has developed
new programming models, algorithms, libraries and tools to meet these
challenges in order to accommodate productive code development and
effective system use. However, the scientific application community
still needs to identify the benefit through practical evaluations.

Thus, the focus of this workshop is on methodologies and experiences
used in scientific and engineering applications and algorithms to
achieve sustainable code development for better productivity,
application performance and reliability. In particular, we will focus
on the following topics in parallel and distributed scientific and
engineering applications, and not limited to: Big scientific data;
Performance modeling and simulation for the execution of scalable
scientific applications on new heterogeneous architectures; Graph
analytics with their (scientific) applications; Code modernization
methodologies and experiences for adapting the changes in future
computing systems; Languages for scientific computing on hybrid
systems (e.g. Python, MPI+X where X is OpenMP, OpenCL, CUDA etc.);
Tools and techniques for improving the performance, reliability and
resilience of scientific applications; Use cases of enterprise
distributed computing technology (such as MapReduce, Data Analytics
and Machine-learning tools) in scientific and engineering
applications; Scalable parallel and distributed algorithms supporting
science and engineering applications; Performance portability across
heterogeneous architecture.

Paper submission due: February 12, 2023
Notification of Acceptance: February 23, 2023


From: Fleurianne Bertrand [log in to unmask]
Date: February 10, 2023
Subject: European Finite Element Fair, The Netherlands, May 2023

The 20th European Finite Element Fair will take place on May 12-13th,
2023 at University of Twente, The Netherlands.

For further details, see


From: Matthias K Gobbert [log in to unmask]
Date: February 10, 2023
Subject: REU Site, Big Data with HPC, UMBC, ONLINE, Jun-Jul 2023

Please forward to interested undergraduate students!

We are organizing an NSF-funded REU (Research Experience for
Undergraduates) Site program at UMBC: Online Interdisciplinary Big
Data Analytics in Science and Engineering. It is a purely online
program open to students from the entire nation.  The 8-week program
will include training in fundamentals of HPC software (MPI) and
productivity tools (SLURM) on large distributed-memory clusters with
CPUs and GPUs as well as Big Data Analytics applications like
Tensorflow, Keras, and Horovod.  Each student will be paid for $5,000
for participation and provided with opportunities to present their
work at conferences.  We are looking for students from all STEM
disciplines and particularly also for students who are interested in
gaining Big Data, HPC, and application experience.

More information of the program can be found at and the flyer there. The application
deadline is 03/01/2023. The two project topics planned for summer 2023
are 1) Big Data and Machine Learning Techniques for Earth Remote
Sensing and 2) Big Data and Machine Learning Techniques for Medical
Image Classification. Both projects are in collaboration with
researchers outside of the program for interdisciplinary
experience. Each student team will publish a technical report in the
HPCF Tech. Rep. series. Every past team in 2021 and 2022 has
additionally published at least a conference paper.

Please distribute this opportunity to undergraduate students and
additional colleagues/communities you see fit.  Thank you very much
for your help!  Matthias Gobbert ([log in to unmask]) and Jianwu Wang
([log in to unmask])


From: Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber [log in to unmask]
Date: February 11, 2023
Subject: IFORS Triennial Conference, Chile, Jul 2023

Submit your abstract NOW - Acceptances are done on a rolling basis!

IFORS 2023
23rd IFORS Triennial Conference
Santiago, Chile, July 10 - 14, 2023

Abstract submission system is available online at:

There are over 40 clusters already identified which span a diversity
of OR topics.  The invited clusters and their chairs are found at Abstracts must be written in English
with a maximum of 2500 characters; submission deadline: March 15,
2023.  All accepted and presented abstracts will be published online
as a monograph with ISBN / DOI identifier numbers.

The conference webpage has details about the
hotels with special conference rates along with more logistical

Registration opens in March!


From: Daniel Potts [log in to unmask]
Date: February 10, 2023
Subject: Summer School/Workshop, Applied Analysis, Germany, Sep 2023

Workshop and Summer School on Applied Analysis
September 18-22, 2023, Chemnitz, Germany

The Chemnitz summer school has been a tradition since 2006 and will be
held again this year after a 4-year break. Five invited distinguished
researchers from mathematical fields including functional analysis,
approximation theory, numerical analysis and machine learning will
each give two lectures during the morning sessions. In the afternoon,
participants are invited to give contributed talks about their current
research. In addition to the lectures and talks, there will be enough
time for discussions and networking. There is no registration fee, but
the number of participants is limited.

There will be five general lectures given by the following speakers.
- Imma Curato (Univ. Ulm): Statistical learning theory
- Michael Elad (Technion Israel Institute of Technology): Foundation
  of Image Synthesis in Machine Learning, Introduction to Diffusion
  Models for Image Synthesis
- Dirk Nuyens (KU Leuven): Lattice methods and applications
- Felix Voigtlaender (KU Eichstatt-Ingolstadt): From nonlinear
  approximation to sampling, Approximation properties of neural
- Konstantinos Zygalakis (University of Edinburgh): Stochastic
  Differential Equations, discrete approximations, and connections to
  optimization and sampling algorithms

Further information and online registration is available on the


From: Olga Mula [log in to unmask]
Date: February 09, 2023
Subject: Professor Positions, Mathematics and CS, TU Eindhoven

This is to announce that we are looking for 25 new colleagues to
complement our math and computer science department at TU
Eindhoven. We welcome applications in all areas of mathematics,
computer science, data science, and artificial
intelligence. Appointments can be at Assistant, Associate, or Full
Professor level, depending on the seniority of the profile.

Information about the job conditions and the application portal are

The application deadline is April 9, 2023.


From: Tapio Helin [log in to unmask]
Date: February 10, 2023
Subject: Associate Professor Position, Applied Mathematics, Finland

The LUT School of Engineering Sciences is looking for an associate
professor (non-tenure track) in applied mathematics.

The position is located at the Department of Computational Engineering
of the LUT School of Engineering Sciences (LENS) on LUT University's
Lappeenranta campus. The department's research focuses on applied
mathematics, computer vision and pattern recognition. The position's
research mainly focuses on applied mathematics -- for example on
inverse problems, computational statistics and numerical analysis. The
duties are 50% research and 50% education and degree programme
development, especially for the upcoming international BSc program in
computational engineering.  Applicants are expected to have a doctoral
degree in a field relevant to the position, such as a D.Sc. or
Ph.D. degree in mathematics, statistics, or similar. In addition, the
regulations of LUT University require that an associate professor
(non-tenure track) has the pedagogical competences and teaching skills
necessary for the position, proof of high-level research work and
publications, and the ability to lead a research group and raise
research funding. Knowledge of Finnish language is considered as an
advantage. The employment relationship is fixed-term for four years
with a six-month trial period.

The deadline for applications is 24 March 2023, at midnight Finnish
local time (UTC +2 h). Please send the following application material
in English through the university's online application system: A
curriculum vitae; A copy of your doctoral diploma; if the original
documents are not in English, Finnish or Swedish, each document must
be accompanied by an official certified translation into English or
Finnish; A full list of publications including your Scopus and Google
Scholar details: the Scopus ID and Google Scholar profile URL, total
number of publications, total number of citations, and h-indices; A
teaching portfolio or an equivalent account of your teaching
qualifications; A summary of your research, including the main results
(max. 3 pages).

Further information, please contact Professor Lassi Roininen,
[log in to unmask] Applications can be submitted via:


From: Yves Lucet [log in to unmask]
Date: February 06, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Machine Learning, UBC Okanagan, Canada

Two Postdoc positions are available at the University of British
Columbia, Okanagan campus in the field of machine learning for two
projects related to oil and gas. The first one focuses on prediction
on applications (timeline and volume). The second one focuses on
predicting when cleanup of oil and gas wells will occur. Both projects
are funded by NSERC grants.

More information on the projects, the positions, and how to apply is
available at


From: Håkon Hoel [log in to unmask]
Date: February 06, 2023
Subject: PhD Position, Mathematics, University of Oslo, Norway

A position as PhD Research Fellow in Mathematics is available at the
Department of Mathematics, University of Oslo.

Starting date no later than October 1, 2023.

The fellowship period is 3 years. A fourth year may be considered with
a workload of 25 % that may consist of teaching, supervision duties,
and/or research assistance. This is dependent upon the qualification
of the applicant and the current needs of the department.

The candidate will work on development and analysis of efficient
numerical methods for rough and/or stochastic differential
equations. This can for instance involve the construction of adaptive
time-stepping and high order numerical methods, where the suitable
approach may depend on the driving noise in complicated
ways. Stochastic processes appear in many filtering problems, such as
the Kalman-Bucy filter, and another possible direction will be to
develop and study theoretical properties of ensemble- based filtering
methods for nonlinear filtering problems.

For further details:


From: Fleurianne Bertrand [log in to unmask]
Date: February 10, 2023
Subject: PhD Positions, NA, TU Chemnitz, Germany

The numerical analysis groups at the TU Chemnitz welcome applications
for two PhD positions (75%, salary level TV-L13).

The research projects will respectivly focus on numerical methods for
fluid induced vibrations and the development of reduced order methods
for eigenvalue problems. Strong interaction between the two positions
can be expected.

For further details, please see:

Review of applications will be on February 16, 2023. Applications
received after this date will still be considered if the position is
not yet filled.


From: Erin Carson [log in to unmask]
Date: February 07, 2023
Subject: PhD Positions, Numerical Linear Algebra and HPC, Czech Republic

Funded PhD positions are available within the framework of the ERC
project "Analyzing and Exploiting Inexactness in Exascale Matrix
Computations", led by Dr. Erin Carson at the Faculty of Mathematics
and Physics at Charles University. Applications are invited from
candidates who have strong background in numerical linear algebra,
numerical analysis, parallel computing, or computational/data science
application domains.  The start date is October 2023, by which time
the applicants must hold a Master's degree. Successful candidates must
formally enroll in the PhD program at Charles University.

Further details about the project can be found at the project website:

Application deadline: March 24, 2023

Interested candidates should submit the following documents to
[log in to unmask]: Curriculum Vitae; Cover letter explaining
motivation and interest to obtain the position of PhD student; Brief
summary of Master's thesis (including pdf file of Master's thesis if
available). In addition, the candidate should arrange for two letters
of recommendation to be sent directly to the same e-mail address
before the application deadline.

Questions regarding the application can be directed to:
Dr. Erin C. Carson, [log in to unmask]


From: Lasiecka [log in to unmask]
Date: February 05, 2023
Subject: Contents, EECT Evolution Equations and Control Theory, 12 (3)

EECTJune 2023, Vol. 12, No. 3:


1.On the approximate boundary controllability of some partial
functional integrodifferential equations with finite delay in Banach
spaces, Patrice Ndambomve and Shu Felix Che

2. Inverse problems for anisotropic obstacle problems with multivalued
convection and unbalanced growth, Shengda Zeng, Yunru Bai and Vicenciu
D. Radulescu

3.On the exact controllability for the Benney-Luke equation in a
bounded domain, Jose R. Quintero

4.Analysis of a linearized poromechanics model for incompressible and
nearly incompressible materials, Mathieu Barre, Celine Grandmont and
Philippe Moireau

5. Boundary controllability and stabilizability of a coupled
first-order hyperbolic-elliptic system, Shirshendu Chowdhury, Rajib
Dutta and Subrata Majumdar

6. Von Karman thermoelastic plates: Existence and nonexistence of
global solutions, Miaomiao Liu, Bin Guo and Jian Wang

7. Uniform stabilization for a string/point mass system via arbitrary
local memory effects versus frictional damping, Kun-Peng Jin and Chan

8. Existence and robustness results of attractors for partially-damped
piezoelectric beams, M. M. Freitas, A. O. Ozer, G. Liu, A. J. A. Ramos
and E. R. N. Fonseca

9. Optimal tubes for non-cylindrical Navier-Stokes flows with Navier
boundary condition, Raja Dziri

10. The Cauchy problem for the critical inhomogeneous nonlinear
Schrodinger equation in H^s(R^n), JinMyong An and JinMyong Kim

End of Digest