

Good afternoon, All,

Can you believe TNLA Annual Conference 2023<> is less than two months away?

If you're already thinking about ways to participate, Registration Co-Chairs Dana Richardson and I hope that you'll consider signing up for a shift or two at the Registration Desk<>.

Never volunteered before? It's a pretty sweet gig: Mostly, you get to greet Conference participants (who are ALways happy to see you) and give them their nametags, lanyards, and bags.

You may be asked directions to where Conference events are taking place in the hotel (we'll have maps), distribute speakers' gifts, create a nametag or two, etc.—but no worries . . . you'll never be at the Desk alone, should you have questions.

Interested? Please enter your name into the shift(s) you want<> and add your name and contact information in the cells beneath the schedule.

Not ready to commit? Watch for reminders closer to the date.

Dana and I look forward to seeing you in Memphis in April,

-- Bess
P.S. Special thanks to Jodie Gambill for the Registration Desk Schedule<>.

Bess Robinson | she, her, hers

Head, Research & Instructional Services | Associate Professor
University Libraries

[UofM logo]     The University of Memphis
124 Ned R. McWherter Library
Memphis, TN 38152<>
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