

Good morning,

            OEM has kicked off a new awareness campaign and are requesting your help in spreading the message.  You may have already seen posters going up in your buildings.  Attached are digital signage resources.  We also have a web banner, an example of the poster and postcards we had printed for distribution but I couldn't attach them due to the file size restrictions.  If you have a use for the postcards in displays or at events or questions about the campaign, please contact Suzanne Rimmer at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.    Thank you Brian

The goal of the Office of Emergency Management's Be Ready campaign is preparedness through knowledge of basic individual response actions focused on when to evacuate, when and how to shelter, and what to do in an active shooter situation. This applies to students, staff and faculty here on campus and beyond the university.

Everyone has a role in the campus effort to be prepared. More importantly, every student, faculty, and staff member are a critical part of the response.  The campus will alerts to an emergency, but individuals must apply your knowledge to the unique circumstances they are in at the time of the emergency. The information located at www.prepare.utk<>  will help our community prepare and respond to life-threatening emergencies.

Brian E. Gard  NEMAA, MBA
Director of Emergency Management
Every citizen should be prepared to do three basic individual emergency response actions when the moment hits!
Click the image below to learn more:
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[cid:[log in to unmask]]

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