

Happy Friday, LibraryLand!
I'm writing to see if anyone has any interest to serve on the Legislative
Day Committee this year. You might have seen the Save the Date that went
out earlier this month, so I hope you have all saved that date and planned
to be in Nashville on April 4th!
I'm the Legislative Day chair this year, and I need a few others to serve
on the committee to make this year's Leg day a success.
Please email me if you're willing to serve. Don't worry if you feel like
you don't know enough about the state legislature, the Legislative Day
Committee is just an *event planning *committee, and NO ONE plans events
better than library folks!!! (All of y'all's summer reading and book fair
stats are evidence of this!)

Another point of note about the committee this year: I only work on TLA
Legislative things in the late afternoon, evenings, weekends, or if I have
a day off of work, so committee meetings (virtually, of course) will be
outside of the typical work day.

Thanks so much, and I look forward to hearing from y'all!!!

All my best,
*Sharon Kay Edwards, MSLS*

Past-President,  Tennessee Library Association
Policy Corps Member, Cohort II;  American Library Association