Good Afternoon,


Facilities Services Electrical and Massey Electric will be performing a 2 week outage that will impact all utilities in the Science and Engineering Research Facility. This outage will be to finalize the installation of the emergency generator and transfer switches.


The end result will ensure emergency backup power is available to nearly all SERF electrical loads.


There have been several coordination meetings with faculty and research to ensure all critical equipment will be powered by generators or have been moved to different facilities during this time.


The Science and Engineering Research Facility will be closed from Friday, May 12th at 5pm until Saturday, May 27th at 6pm.

For the safety of students and faculty as well as the security of all research and equipment, only Facilities Services and contractors will have access to the building during this time. External electronic card access will be disabled and exterior keys changed during the outage. Any critical needs for access to equipment has been scheduled.


Environmental Health and Safety has assisted with securing disrupted fume hoods and addressed any other safety concerns during this outage. The fire alarm system will be powered by generators.




Please see the outage schedule below:






We would like to thank everyone for their patience and cooperation during this time.


Please contact me with any questions.


Thank You,

Candis Sheehan

Candis Sheehan, CEFP
Utilities Project Coordinator

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Utilities Services
Facilities Services Complex
2040 Sutherland Ave
Knoxville, TN 37921

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