Sent to all CCI graduate students at the request of Dr. Kupritz. Best, Margaret _________ Colleagues: UTK has a new Center for Care & Resilience (CCR) which provides strengths-based, inclusive, holistic support, consultation, and education to members of the UTK community. CCR works to promote individual student's well-being and success and encourage wellness and personal safety. The attached document is an overview of the Center's services and processes. Sincerely, Dr. Kupritz Associate Dean for Graduate Programs Virginia W. Kupritz, Ph.D. College of Communication & Information THE UNIVERSITY of TENNESSEE 1345 Circle Park Drive 306 Communications Building Knoxville, TN 37996-0332 USA T 865 974-5518 F 865 974-3896 E [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>