

Good afternoon communicators,

Grateful Vol Day is this Wednesday, September 14! The goal of this annual event is to connect students with UT’s donors – educating Vols about donor impact and celebrating their generosity. Students are asked to write personal thank-you notes to donors and receive a free t-shirt in exchange!

There are two parts to the event that we’d love your assistance in promoting. A PDF toolkit is attached, and here is a link to the digital files<>.

  1.  Leading up to Grateful Vol Day (September 8-14) — ENCOURAGE STUDENTS TO ATTEND
Please encourage students from your college or unit to attend the event on September 14 from 10am-2pm on Humanities Plaza to write thank you notes to donors and receive a free t-shirt. Students who attend will also be entered to win prizes and receive additional swag! Ways to promote include:

     *   Add GVD in student newsletters, social media, or digital outlets<> in your college or unit.
     *   Put up GVD posters in your college or unit buildings
     *   Run the digital display graphics<> to run them on digital screens in your unit’s buildings.

  1.  Day of (September 14) — SHOW GRATITUDE TO DONORS
On this day, we will be expressing gratitude to our generous donors by sending them thank you videos we received from students and celebrating their philanthropy on social media using the hashtag #GratefulVol. On September 14, we encourage you to:

     *   Share any donor impact stories on your college or unit social media pages using #GratefulVol
     *   Share the campaign posts from UT Knoxville Alumni accounts: Twitter<>, Instagram<>, Facebook<>
We had a record year of donor support last year! We hope you’ll join us in promoting this fun effort to thank our donors.

As a reminder, the PDF toolkit is attached and the graphics and resources for you use can be found here:<>

Thank you in advance for any help you are willing to provide.  If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!

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Jessy Lawrence
Executive Director of Communications and Donor Experience

UT Conference Center
600 Henley Street, Suite 307
Knoxville, TN 37902

The University of Tennessee Foundation, Inc.
is the preferred channel for all private contributions
that benefit students and faculty within the UT System.

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