


Join the ALA Social Responsibilities Round Table for our third Afternoon of Social Justice on Wednesday, August 3rd. This free virtual event features librarians and scholars as they present on a variety of topics including disabilities, Indigenous communities, and neurodiversity. Plenty of time will be allowed for questions and discussions after each presentation.  Registration is free and you do not need to be an ALA member. Each session must be individually registered for and a link to recorded sessions will be emailed afterwards for those who can't attend live.

Full details at:

Schedule (Central Time):

1:00pm - 2:00pm                         Disability is Not a Bad Word (<;!!PirnAJVEmx4jpg!9QydCgIX0SWTryY9fmApervhZPJ4sNC8XMA8t23H2dZ4Mx-phmvK2xIcQj5gm6wTDSXSN6K3oQrrt5V3$>

2:15pm - 3:30pm                         Paying Better Attention to Indigenous Communities (<;!!PirnAJVEmx4jpg!9QydCgIX0SWTryY9fmApervhZPJ4sNC8XMA8t23H2dZ4Mx-phmvK2xIcQj5gm6wTDSXSN6K3od9J_G1P$>)

3:45pm - 4:45pm                         Neurodiversity in the Library (https://ala-event)<;!!PirnAJVEmx4jpg!9QydCgIX0SWTryY9fmApervhZPJ4sNC8XMA8t23H2dZ4Mx-phmvK2xIcQj5gm6wTDSXSN6K3ocdYmDAK$>)

Please share! We hope to see you there!


April Sheppard
SRRT Coordinator
Please know that I honor and respect boundaries around personal time, well-being, caretaking, and time off. My work hours may be different than yours. Should you receive emails from me during a time that you're engaging in any of the above, please protect your time and wait to respond until you're working.