

Applications for the LFP Crash Course on Programs & Training are now 
open at This 10-week free 
course focuses on privacy for library staff training and public 
programming in a supportive, collaborative cohort environment. The 
course will cover topics including how and what to teach in privacy 
trainings, and important areas of focus like anti-doxxing, digital 
security for reproductive care, health privacy, police surveillance, 
understanding artificial intelligence, and more. The LFP Crash Courses 
are open to library workers at all levels and in all roles, though this 
course is best for library workers who face the public.

After completion, participants are invited to become part of the LFP 
community, a group of more than 130 library workers from around the 
country who work together and support each other on privacy initiatives. 
Some of our recent projects include  - working with teens to make 
anti-surveillance memes, fighting library vendor surveillance of 
immigrants, building an anti-doxxing toolkit for at-risk library workers.

LFP as low representation at southern states so if you're seeing this 
and you on other state library listservs please share.

If you've came to one of my trainings/classes/talks and liked the 
content, you should apply.

Bryan Jones
Chair, TLA Library Technology Roundtable