Good morning,


Please see below about an announcement from USAC regarding EPC user notifications that may have gone out over this past weekend.  This is just an FYI, if you received strange notifications from USAC.


Below the highlighted announcement, I’ve included details for modifying existing user permissions as well as adding and removing EPC users for your organization. 


From USAC:


E-Rate Terms and Conditions Refresh

Over the weekend, as part of a security update, USAC completed an EPC system Terms and Conditions refresh. As a result, EPC users that had not accepted their new terms and conditions resulted in notifications being sent to the associated EPC account administrators. The notifications were inadvertently sent to EPC account administrators for both deactivated EPC users and active EPC users who never accepted the original EPC system terms and conditions.

For any previously deactivated EPC user, account administrators do not need to take any action as the user account remains deactivated in EPC.

For EPC users who never accepted the original EPC terms and conditions, and who should not have access to the EPC system, account administrators can deactivate the EPC user accounts by navigating to the user and selecting ‘Deactivate User.’ USAC will deactivate EPC accounts created more than one month ago if the account holder never accepted the EPC terms and conditions. If a user gets deactivated and needs access. Please follow the normal steps to grant EPC access.

Please take this opportunity to review your user accounts and take actions to update and deactivate accounts in EPC (Records/Users/Related Actions), as appropriate. If any of your account users no longer needs access to file BEAR Forms, BEAR access can be removed through a customer service case in EPC.


If you are an Account Administrator, you can log into your EPC portal and follow the steps below to see EPC users associated with your library (and their corresponding permissions).  From here, you can modify current user permissions, if needed. 


  1. Login to your One Portal dashboard (you’ll have to go through the 2-step verification process and receive the code to enter).
  2. From your Dashboard page, select the E-Rate Productivity Center (EPC).  This will take you into your EPC portal (on your Applicant Landing Page).
  3. From your Applicant Landing Page, select “Manage Users” at the top right-hand corner.
  4. Select the checkbox by the organization for which you wish to manage users and then click on the “Manage User Permissions” box.
  5. This will bring you the page which shows all the users associated with your entity and their permission status.


If you need to REMOVE past users from your entity, click on the “Reports” tab above to be taken back to the “My Applicant Landing Page.”  Follow steps 3 and 4 in the above list, but instead of checking the “Manage User Permissions” box, you’ll select the “Add and Remove Existing Users” option.

  1. Click on the username which you need to remove.
  2. This will bring you to their User Profile “Summary” page.  From here, select “Related Actions” from the ribbon across the top.
  3. Click on the “Deactivate User” link.  This will bring up the user information and you will need to include a note about deactivating the user.  Inputting a note is required to remove a user.
  4. Click on the blue “Submit” button at the bottom.  A message will appear confirming this action will remove access to your organization for this user and will ask you to verify you wish to proceed with this action. If you do, click “yes”. 
  5. You will receive a confirmation email from USAC regarding the user account deactivation.


If you have recently hired someone that will be taking on E-Rate duties, they will need to contact USAC and request a New User Account to be set up for them.  They can contact the Client Services Bureau at (888) 203-8100 Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 8:00 pm ET, to get their account set up.  Once their user account has been set up and they’ve received a welcome email from USAC asking them to accept user terms/conditions, you can then add them as a user for your organization.


Once the new user has contacted USAC and had an account set up for them, if you need to ADD that new user to your organization, log into the EPC portal and navigate to the “My Applicant Landing Page” (click on the “Reports” tab across the top ribbon and select the applicant page link).

  1. Select the checkbox by the organization for which you wish to add a user, then click on the “Create a New User” option.
  2. Enter in the user information and use the drop-down menus to select the appropriate form permissions for this new user (fields with asterisks are required information).
  3. Confirm your details by clicking “Submit.”  A confirmation message will appear asking if you wish to proceed with adding this user.  If you do, click “yes.” 
  4. The Account Administrator for the organization will receive a confirmation email regarding the new user added. 



As always, if you’re in the regional system and have questions, please reach out to your Regional Assistant Director.  You can also contact the USAC Client Services Bureau at the number listed above (or create a customer service case in your EPC portal) for portal help.  Of course, you can always contact me as well.  We’re all happy to help you!


All the best,



Liz Thigpen Schreck | Director

Ocoee River Regional Library

State E-rate Coordinator for Public Libraries

Office of Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett

718 George St., NW, Athens, TN 37303

P. (423) 745-5194 – office;  (423) 649-1583 - direct

Regional Toll Free - (855) 692-8186

Fax (423) 649-1501

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