Joan Roberts, a very early if not founding member of the East Tennessee Chapter of the Society for Technical Communication (STC-ETC), died in Oak Ridge on May 24, 2022. She worked as an editor for the Atomic Energy Commission’s Division of Technical Information Extension, later known as the Department of Energy’s Office of Scientific and Technical Information. After decades in that position, she trained publishing staff at the Y-12 National Security Complex for Martin Marietta Energy Systems.


Until struck down by cancer, Joan was an indefatigable volunteer with STC-ETC. She led and supported its annual Practical Conference on Communication, its yearly technical publication and technical art competitions, and its newsletter. When the international board of directors of STC decided to recognize outstanding achievements at the chapter level, Joan was the very first recipient of its Distinguished Chapter Service Award.


A graduate of Vanderbilt University in English, she taught elementary school for several years before moving to Oak Ridge in 1966. While pursuing her career in technical publishing, she also taught literacy classes on a volunteer basis and initiated and supported the Energy Valley Chapter of Toastmasters.


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Joan Ferguson Roberts