

Greetings All,
As a reminder, the Assessment Steering Committee will be offering a “Mini Assessment Day” this week. As the name suggests, it is a scaled-down version of the Assessment Day training offered to meta-assessment raters every Fall. Attendees will be given an overview of how annual assessment reports are reviewed here at UT and the components that each report must contain. Additionally, they will have the opportunity to discuss report improvement and view examples of excellent program assessment work.

All are welcome to attend, but the training may be of particular interest to faculty and staff who are relatively new to their role in program assessment, and/or want to learn more about participating in the meta-assessment process. Dates, times, and zoom links are below, and attendees need only attend one session. For any questions, please contact Ashley Charsha at [log in to unmask]

Tuesday, April 26th: 1-3 p.m. Zoom link:

Wednesday, April 27th: 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Zoom link: