Hi –

It’s not quite over. A caption bill snuck by me about creating a statewide approved reading list under purview of the Textbook Commission. The Online Resources bill passed so if the governor signs it (most likely) K12 online vendors will to agree review content, put in writing that they do not provide obscene or pornographic materials and remove obscene and pornography within a certain time frame. 


Textbooks - As introduced, requires the state textbook and instructional materials quality commission to provide a copy of the commission's proposed textbook and instructional materials list to the general assembly. - Amends TCA Title 39; Title 49 and Chapter 264 of the Acts of 1909.

HB2666 – Sexton C.

SB2247 - Lundberg

Real text is found in the amendments -  TASL has some info about the text of the amendments so check our their social media https://wapp.capitol.tn.gov/apps/BillInfo/Default.aspx?BillNumber=HB2666

Current Status: Likely to go to Full House (will send update when scheduled)


Obscenity and Pornography in School Online Resources - https://www.capitol.tn.gov/Bills/112/Bill/HB2454.pdf

Obscenity and Pornography - As introduced, redefines "obscene" to include material that has educational value; makes various changes to the internet acceptable use policy LEAs are required to adopt; requires providers of digital and online resources to ensure that users cannot access certain obscene material; requires a local board of education to establish a mechanism for parents, legal guardians, or students to report failures of the technology selected by the LEA to filter, block, or otherwise prevent access to pornography or obscenity through online resources and to submit an annual report to the state board of education regarding same. - Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 17 and Title 49, Chapter 1.

HB 2454 – Sponsored by Reps Weaver, Doggett, Littleton, Lynn, Zachary, Moody, Crawford, Powers, Lafferty, Cepicky, Lamberth, Hulsey, Rudder, Haston, Carringer, Warner, Howell, Rudd, Griffey,  SHERRELL, BYRD, REEDY, CARR, RAGAN, HELTON, ALEXANDER, WHITE

SB2292 - Sponsored by Senator Mike Bell

Current Status: 

Companion House Bill substituted. Transmitted to Governor for his action.

School Library Coordinator - https://www.capitol.tn.gov/Bills/112/Bill/HB1667.pdf

Education, Dept. of - As introduced, creates a Tennessee state library coordinator position within the department; establishes the duties of the Tennessee state library coordinator. - Amends TCA Title 49.

HB1667 - Sponsored by Representative Sam Whitson

SB1784 - Sponsored by Senator Jon Lundberg

Current Status: 

Recommended for passage, refer to Senate Calendar Committee

Deferred to Summer Study

Obscenity and Pornography in School Libraries - https://www.capitol.tn.gov/Bills/112/Bill/HB1944.pdf

Transmitted to Governor for action

Divisive Concepts in Higher Education - https://www.capitol.tn.gov/Bills/112/Amend/SA0651.pdf

          HB 2670- Sponsored by Reps by Sexton C, Gant

          SB 2290- Sponsored by Senator Mike Bell

Current Status: 

Signed by Governor

Age-Appropriate Materials Act of 2022

HB 2154 - Sponsored by Representatives Lamberth and Gant

SB 2407 - Sponsored by Senator Jack Johnson

Current Status:  

Signed by Governor. House moved to substitute and conform to SB2407


Additional Resources