

**** Excuse cross-posting*** 


The Kennesaw State University Library System would like to invite directors, administrators, and leaders of all library types to take part in research regarding the policies and professionalism of body modifications in the library workspaces. The decision to undergo body modifications can be done for a myriad of personal reasons, ranging from love of the art, expression of the person's individuality, to display an affiliation, or for religious and/or spiritual beliefs.  


Body modifications encompass permanent or semipermanent changes to a person’s physical appearance, in a non-naturally occurring manner. Building upon a previous professionalism study, we aim to determine what, if any, impact body modifications have on the perception of professionalism specifically among library leadership. Leadership roles in libraries include managers, directors, and positions with the power to hire or fire. This study will inform library personnel of the culture of acceptance of these body modifications among the library leadership to better inform on policy creation, alteration, or deletion. Library leaders over the age of 18 in the United States are encouraged to participate.  


For questions or concerns, please contact Manda Sexton, [log in to unmask].  

Study #: IRB-FY22-350  

Please take the survey here:  





[log in to unmask]" alt="Kennesaw State University">

Manda Sexton 
Assessment and User Experience Librarian and Library Assistant Professor 
KSU Library System

p: 470-578-6511 
e: [log in to unmask]