Freight Transportation Stakeholders:


The Federal Highway Administration has published FAF5 estimates of truck flows on the National Highway System (NHS). This release of FAF5 data includes estimates of truck flows on the NHS network by twelve different commodity groups and is available for download from The FAF5 network flow data package includes modeled results from FAF5 2017, 2022, and 2050 baseline scenarios representing U.S. freight flows by truck types for domestic, imported, and exported commodities. National-level maps representing highway commodity corridors are available for download from Similar national-level maps representing future flows and State level maps to delineate flows for each State are under development.


FAF5 is based on the recent 2017 commodity flow survey of shippers in the U.S. and provides information about the amount and types of goods that moved by land, water, and air between large metropolitan areas, states, and regions.  FAF data is used in many State freight plans for considering national freight system trends to support the analysis.  As States work to update their existing freight plans, this new information from FAF5 will be a valuable resource for identifying needs and key issues confronting the freight system.


For further information pertaining to FAF, please contact [log in to unmask].


Carl L. (Chip) Millard III

FHWA Office of Freight Management and Operations

USDOT HQ E84-471

1200 New Jersey Avenue SE

Washington, DC 20590

Phone: 202-366-4415

E-mail: [log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask]