Hello, CampComm!

This month’s social media round table will be held on Zoom tomorrow, April 5 at 9:30 am. Zoom information is found on the calendar.utk.edu event: https://calendar.utk.edu/event/social_media_roundtable_8308#.YfBXBPXMLX2

Below is the agenda for this month's discussion:


Do you have a topic idea that you want to bring to the Social Media Roundtable discussion? Let us know! Email Meghan Jagnow ([log in to unmask]) or Sarah Zimmerman Sanders ([log in to unmask]). 


Thanks, all! Hope to see you there!

Meghan Jagnow

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Student Life Communications 

413 Student Services Building 
1331 Circle Park Drive 
Knoxville, TN 37996 

[log in to unmask] 

Big Orange. Big Ideas.

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