It's that time again!

I'm hoping for a better turnout this time around.   You may have noticed a winter newsletter didn't happen because, much as I tried, two articles and a reminder to pay membership dues could not be stretched enough to fill three pages.   I'm hoping that was an indication that everyone was busy preparing for a wonderful time of holiday merriment with family and friends.

Now, I need to know what you all are doing to prepare for spring and early summer.  What's going on in your local library that you want everyone to know?   As always, pictures are appreciated and will be used!   I have such a neat idea for the cover this time!   Can't wait for all to see.

I want to build this newsletter quickly, so please send content to me by midnight on Tuesday, March 29th.

Hope you are all well, and I'm excited to hear back from you!

Mark du Pont
Newsletter Editor