The schedule for in-person Legislative Day this year will be a simple one. Since we have decided to scale WAY back from previous years and not have any speakers and to do the entire day based in Cordell Hull—the schedule is as follows:


Breakfast for Legislators—8am-10am—Cordell Hull 8B


Registration for libraries – 8am-10am – Cordell Hull 8A


The rest of the day is for office visits that you can schedule by contacting your legislators. You will be given a packet of information to present to your legislators.  Register now to attend:


Those attending virtually are encouraged to arrange phone calls, emails, virtual meetings, and district meetings with their legislators on Tuesday, March 15.  IF you have any problems registering, please let me know.



Cathy M Farley
Executive Director
Tennessee Library Association
PO Box 6297
Sparta, TN 38583
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