

The ACRL Academic Library Services for Graduate Students (ALSGS) Interest Group seeks nominations for the 2nd Annual Notable Works list for Library Support of Graduate Students. This year the list is being dedicated to Mandy Havert, Graduate Outreach & Research Services Librarian for the University of Notre Dame, who passed away on October 21st, 2021. Mandy was instrumental in the creation and work of the inaugural list and is greatly missed.The goal of the list is to recognize and showcase excellent professional contributions from 2021 in support of graduate students.  Submissions can include projects and publications by library workers or by researchers in related fields who shed light on important elements of serving graduate students.

Categories of work to be considered include:

Please nominate work here. You are encouraged to submit both your own work and that of colleagues.

The interest group is especially interested in projects that meet the criteria in this rubric.

Submissions deadline:  April 8, 2022

Please direct any questions to Victor Baeza ([log in to unmask]).

The Notable Works for Library Support of Graduate Students Working Group is:


Teresa Berry

Assistant Head, Liaison Programs | Associate Professor

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville

University Libraries

1015 Volunteer Blvd.

Knoxville, TN 37996