

One additional talking point regarding HB 2454/SB2292 that a lot of folks have sent me:

The Collegeboard has indicated they are watching and will consider removing their designation from high school courses. This will have far reaching effects for students and their families- especially those counting on that college credit to save them money in college.

Thanks y'all,

On 3/29/22 15:12, Jennifer Pearson wrote:
[log in to unmask]">

Talking points for each bill would be great if someone wants to send those to the list. Makes it a lot easier not only for us but for library advocates who want to call/email on our behalf. I could write them myself but if they exist—I don’t really want to/have time to reinvent the wheel as I’m sure someone out there has already created some which we could use and/or edit.






Jennifer Pearson


Marshall County Memorial Library

Past President – Assoc. for Rural and Small Libraries


614-296-2433 (mobile)

[log in to unmask]


From: Tennessee Library Association and other Tennessee librarians [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Bryan Jones
Sent: Tuesday, March 29, 2022 2:56 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: TLA CALL TO ACTION!!!


I encourage all of you to complete the form below but go the extra step and contact your state reps directly. Especially if you live in rural counties. Folks are getting fed astro-turfed, coordinated talking points about 'obscene' books in libraries. Reps + senators need to hear from cooler heads.

HB1944, a similar bill but dealing with physical collections in schools, passed in the House today. Now is the time to speak out.

Bryan Jones
TLA IF Committee Co-chair



On 3/27/22 21:18, Sharon Edwards wrote:


If you've been keeping up with the emails our fantastic Legislative Monitor, Andrea Zielke, has been sending, then you are aware of the many bills threatening TN Libraries this session. One of these, HB 2454/ SB 2292 threatens to completely censor the Tennessee Electronic Library! This bill is on the House Admin Committee's calendar for this week, and we need your help to email the committee and urge them to vote against this bill. 


Please click this link to easily send an email to the entire committee and share it with as many library supporters as you can. 


All my best,

Sharon Kay Edwards, MSLS

President, Tennessee Library Association
Policy Corps Member, Cohort II;  American Library Association