

Thank you all for participating in the important process of interviewing candidates for SIS's two assistant professor positions. We are drawing close to the finish line, and I hope you have conserved a little energy for a final push! You have shown such great engagement so far; it makes a tremendous difference for both the candidates and SIS. Thank you.

We are hosting one more candidate next week. The presentation and student meeting will be on Monday, 3/7, and will use the same zoom room:

Date    Presentation Title      Time: Presentation      Time: Meeting with Students
Monday, 3/7/22  Improving People's Security and Privacy Behaviors       12:30-1:30 p.m. 1:35-2:05 p.m.

Please remember to give us feedback about the candidates:

If you haven't yet submitted a form for our prior candidates, you may do that on the same form you use for the final candidate. Your opinion is very important.

Thanks! We'll see you Monday.
Rachel A. Fleming-May, Associate Professor (she/her)
The School of Information Sciences, University of Tennessee
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