Dear Global Ranavirus Consortium:


As most of you know, the 6th International Symposium on Ranaviruses will be held jointly with the 2022 GARD Conference.  The GARD 2022 website is , and recent announcements are below.  Hope to see several GRC members at the conference!!


All the Best, Matt (Founding Director, GRC)




A few announcements:



If you have any questions about the 2022 GARD Conference, please do not hesitate to reach out to one of the Steering Committee members or me.


All the Best, Matt


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From: Matt Gray <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Tuesday, February 1, 2022 at 7:53 AM
To: Matt Gray <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: 2022 GARD Call for Abstracts and Other Announcements


1 February 2022


Dear Colleagues:


Attached please find the Call for Abstracts for the 2022 Global Amphibian and Reptile Disease (GARD) Conference, which will be held in Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, from 4-10 August 2022:  Instructions are also available on the GARD website under the “Abstracts” menu.  We strongly recommend that individuals use the Abstract .docx template available on the website.  In addition, abstracts must be submitted through the GARD Abstract Submission Portal – link is located under the Abstracts menu. The hard deadline for abstract submissions is Friday, 25 March, 23:59 U.S. Eastern Daylight Time.  Submitters will be notified about abstract acceptance no later than Friday, 29 April.  If you have any questions about abstract instructions or submissions, please contact one of the co-chairs of the Scientific Committee: Frank Pasmans ([log in to unmask]) or Leon Grayfer ([log in to unmask]).


A registration portal will be available under the “Registration” menu of the GARD website by 1 April.  Additionally, a call for travel grant applications will be posted under the “Travel Grants” menu of the website by 1 April.  The intent of travel grants will be to increase geographic, ethnic and gender diversity at GARD, and priority will be given to students and early career professionals.


Regarding accommodations, we negotiated the U.S. government (CONUS) rate ($102/night) at the Hilton Hotel in downtown Knoxville for the conference.  To receive this rate, you must book a room through the Hilton portal for the GARD Conference, which is located under the “Accommodations” menu on the GARD website (click “Book Now”). This is a very low rate (ca. half rate) for a hotel room in downtown Knoxville during summer, so we recommend booking as soon as possible. If you are looking for a roommate, please use the GARD Twitter account for requests. 


Also, a reminder that the Call for Workshop proposals (see below) remains open until 1 March, and those are submitted directly to Mark Wilber ([log in to unmask]). 


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to any of the individuals on the 2022 GARD Steering Committee.


We are looking forward to hosting you in Knoxville!!


Best regards,


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From: Matt Gray <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Monday, January 17, 2022 at 9:55 AM
To: Matt Gray <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: 2022 GARD Call for Workshop Proposals and Other Announcements


17 January 2022


Dear Colleagues:


Attached and at this link is the Call for Workshop proposals for the First Global Amphibian and Reptile Disease (GARD) Conference that will be held in Knoxville, Tennessee, USA from 4-10 August 2022.  This conference is being hosted by University of Tennessee-Knoxville, Global Ranavirus Consortium, and RIBBiTR. Workshops will be held on the first day (4 Aug) of the conference and provide skill development opportunities for students and professionals. The deadline for workshop proposal submissions is 1 March 2022, and proposals should be emailed to Dr. Mark Wilber ([log in to unmask]).  Any questions about workshop proposals should be directed to Mark.  Please forward this announcement to others.


Also, a quick update on GARD 2022.  The conference website ( is updated and will continue to be updated every few weeks with additional information.  We also have a Twitter account ( where announcements will be posted. Please feel free to use the Twitter account to communicate with conference organizers and participants. If you are looking to share a hotel room with someone, we recommend using Twitter to inquire. The Call for Abstracts will be released by 1 February 2022 (via Twitter and the website), with a 25 March submission deadline. There will be an abstract submission portal on the website – and, options to present in-person, virtual, or as a poster. Lastly, we are in the process of soliciting sponsors to support travel grants and conference activities. If you know of a possible sponsor, there is a link to a sponsorship request letter under the Sponsor menu of the GARD website ( 


As always, if you have any questions about GARD 2022, please do not hesitate to contact me or one of the other organizers listed on the “Contact Us” menu of the website.  Happy MLK Jr. Day!


All the Best,



Matthew J. Gray, Ph.D., Professor

Associate Director, UTIA Center for Wildlife Health 

Department of Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries

University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture (UTIA) 

UTIA Amphibian Disease Laboratory

427 Plant Biotechnology Building

2505 E. J. Chapman Drive

Knoxville, TN 37996-4563 USA


865-974-2740 Office (232 Third Creek Building)

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