Hello Communicators!


Many of you know that the university has licensed vendors and that you should always use a licensed vendor when ordering promotional merchandise for your college or department. This helps us ensure brand consistency and compliance, as well as provide quality control.


We also have six licensed vendors that are contracted to fulfill orders of $10,000 or more. This list of vendors changes every few years, so I wanted to provide you with the current list (approved in late 2021) for reference below.


Bacon and Co.

Blink Media

Graphic Creations






If you have any questions about this, please let me know or contact Mike Keener in Licensing.







Angie Dobbs

Assistant Director
Creative Communications


The University of Tennessee

Office of Communications & Marketing

91 Communications Building

Knoxville, TN 37996


865-974-4852 office

865-661-3785 mobile






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