

Hi TLA members- I'm your new friendly TLA Legislative Monitor for this upcoming session which started this week! I will be keeping you informed of any legislation that impacts Tennessee libraries during this next session, how to track legislation, and find your legislators. The major topics that are going to be discussed during this session will focus around redistricting and modifying the public school funding formula (see the TLA email from Tenn-Share's Executive Director, Ari Baker, on January 10 for more details from TASL). Of course, the session is not restricted to those specific topics. Currently the only known library specific legislation that is likely to be introduced is the reinstatement of a statewide school library coordinator. As I receive confirmation of other legislation, I will let you know what bills to keep an eye on. If you are aware of any legislation coming up, please let me know and I'll add it to the watch list. TLA Legislative Monitor Andrea Zielke [log in to unmask]