

Campus communicators,

Good morning! I hope everyone had a great weekend. We have an online research workshop with institutions in Israel coming up on November 11. The announcement is below. Do you mind helping spread the word among faculty and students? It's a great opportunity for them to find research partners. Thank you!

Center for Global Engagement

From: McGowan, Jamie <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2021 9:44 AM
To: Rui, Rachel (Rachel Rui) <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: One Health Workshop with Israeli Universities - Nov. 11 - ONLINE

Dear Colleagues:

Following up on UTK's partnership-building trip to Israel in 2019, the following half-day workshop on One Health is taking place online on November 11, 2021.  Faculty, post-docs, scholars, and advanced graduate students at the University of Tennessee, Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv University are invited to attend.

The aims of the workshop include:
- To present a variety of research topics that demonstrate the breadth and important directions of One Health research
- To provide an opportunity for scholars and students from all 3 campuses to become familiar with one another's research and approaches
- To begin to foster potential international research collaborations and connections
- To highlight the opportunities for research funding between Israel and the US

The schedule and registration link follow.

One Health Workshop  -- ONLINE<>
- Faculty of Agriculture, Food & Environment, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University
- University of Tennessee, Knoxville

November 11, 2021
7:00 - 11:00 am ET US
Held Online
Register at

7:00 - 7:25 am                  WELCOME REMARKS
Chair:  Deb Miller, Director, One Health Initiative, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
President Randy Boyd, the University of Tennessee System
Vice-President Oron Shagrir, International Affairs, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Vice Dean Karen Avraham, Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University

7:25 - 8:10 am                  PANEL 1 &DISCUSSION
Chair:  Gad Baneth, Director of the Koret School of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Agriculture, Food & Environment, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

David Talmy<>, Department of Microbiology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
"Understanding the molecular basis of competition among cyanobacteria in contrasting ecosystems"

Benny Chefetz<>, Department of Soil and Water Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Food & Environment, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
"Water Reuse: Mixture of Chemicals of Emerging Concern in Our Produce"

8:15 - 9:00 am                  PANEL 2 & DISCUSSION

Gladys Alexandre<>, Department of Biochemistry and Cellular and Molecular Biology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
"Harnessing nitrogen fixation in plant growth promoting bacteria for sustainable agriculture"

Sharon Schlesinger<>, Department of Animal Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Food & Environment, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
"The effect of heat shock on the transcriptional regulation of bovine mesenchymal stem cells"

9:05 - 10:05 am                PANEL 3 & DISCUSSION
Chair: Carole Myers, Associate Director, One Health Initiative, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Anat Amit-Aharon, Department of Nursing, School of Health Professions, Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University
"The association of syndemics theory to health disparities"

Bruria Adini<>, Department of Emergency Management and Disaster Medicine in the School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University
"Managing the COVID-19 pandemic: Fear, anxiety and resilience"

Ehud Elnekave<>, Koret School of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment
"Salmonella foodborne infections - a major risk for public health"

10:10 -10:35 am              FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES
Maya Sherman, Head of the International Desk, Authority for Research and Development, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
"Funding Opportunities for US and Israeli scholars in One Health"

10:35-10:40 am                BREAKOUT ROOM INTRODUCTION & REMARKS
Nina Fefferman, Associate Director, One Health Initiative, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

10:40-11:00 am                BREAKOUT ROOMS:   COLLABORATIVE INTERESTS
Breakout Room 1) Agriculture, Food, & the Environment
Breakout Room 2) Human and Animal Medicine
Breakout Room 3) Animal and Human Public Health
Breakout Room 4) One Health and Microbiology

Jamie McGowan, Ph.D.

Director, Global Research Office
Center for Global Engagement
1620 Melrose Avenue
Knoxville, TN 37996-3531
Office: 865-974-3177

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