

Campus communicators,


This is a reminder that the Office of Asia Engagement and the AAPI Ad Hoc Committee, in collaboration with the US Heartland China Association, is hosting a live stream concert on Thursday, October 7 at 3 PM in the Student Union 270! The event, Heart to Heart, will feature virtuosos Gao Hong and Issam Rafea.


You are invited to Join us for an afternoon of fun while enjoying soothing, sophisticated duets on Chinese and Arabic lutes, improvised by virtuosos Gao Hong on the pipa and Issam Rafea on the oud. The Duo won two Gold Medals from the Global Music Awards for their “From Our World to Yours” album in 2020. Artists will play and interact with the audience virtually.

Light refreshments will be provided.

Register for the event to attend in person or receive the live stream link to watch it online.

Thank you for sharing it.



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Rachel Rui, PhD
Director of Asia Engagement and Communications Director

The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Center for Global Engagement
Room 110, International House
1623 Melrose Ave.
Knoxville, TN 37996-0100

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