

Mark your calendar for these October STC-ETC events:


“Career Paths in Technical Communication and Science Writing: A Panel Discussion”

Wednesday, October 6, 2021, at 5:00 p.m. EST


Join us for an interactive panel discussion with science writers and technical communicators in a variety of professional roles. The panelists will share lessons from their professional journey, and attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and interact. Students and recent graduates are especially encouraged to attend.



—Clayton Powers, Technical Communicator at Siemens

—Elizabeth Rosenthal, Science Writer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory

—Adam Swift, Technical Writer at Pilot

—Gage Taylor, Science Writer at KBR


Join Zoom meeting:

Meeting ID: 826 8456 4574
Passcode: 443874


“Introverts in the Workplace” with Shelley Labrecque

Friday, October 22, 2021, at 12:00 p.m. EST


Have you ever worked with someone who is quiet and prefers a 1:1 setting or small group? Do you wonder why some people skip social events and large gatherings, but seem quite social in person? By discovering how introverts think and work, you can recognize what might be going on behind the “quiet” and benefit from their attention to detail, critical thinking, and preparation.

Shelley Labrecque is the Global Integrations Technical Writing Project Manager at nCino Inc. She has more than 15 years of experience with technical writing and editing in the technology and telecommunications industries.

Join Zoom meeting:

Meeting ID: 838 5636 3451
Passcode: 595143