Good afternoon communicators, 


UT’s fourth annual Grateful Vol Day (GVD) is next Wednesday, September 15! The goal of this event is to celebrate the generosity of donors to UT Knoxville by providing students an opportunity to thank them. 


 There are two parts to the event that we’d love your assistance in promoting. A PDF toolkit is attached, and here is a link to the digital files. 


  1. Leading up to Grateful Vol Day (September 8-15) — ENCOURAGE STUDENT TO ATTEND

Leading up to GVD, please help encourage students to attend the event on September 15 from 10am-2pm on Humanities Plaza to write thank you notes to donors and receive a free t-shirt. Students who attend will also be entered to win prizes and receive additional swag. 


To help promote, please: 

  1. Day of (September 15) — SHOW GRATITUDE TO DONORS

On this day, we will be expressing gratitude to our generous donors by sending them thank you videos we received from students and celebrating their philanthropy on social media using the hashtag #GratefulVol. 


To help promote, please: 

We hope you’ll help promote this fun effort to show our gratitude to those who choose to give to UT. As a reminder, the PDF toolkit is attached and the graphics and resources for you use can be found here:


If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. Thank you in advance for your help!


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Jessy Lawrence

Executive Director of Communications
and Donor Experience


Tyson Alumni Center

1609 Melrose Avenue

Knoxville, TN 37996

(865) 974-3912


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Support UT Knoxville



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