The Summer issue (71.2) of Tennessee Libraries is now available online at Contents include:


Graduating, interviewing, moving, and changing careers during a pandemic

by Kristy Cunningham


Three Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB) goals for Tennessee libraries

by Chantelle Swaren


Book Review: Searching for Woody Guthrie: A personal exploration of the folk singer, his music, and his politics

by Chantelle Swaren


Book Review: The East Tennessee Veterans Memorial: A pictorial history of the names on the wall, their lives, their service, their sacrifice

by Bridgette Whitt


A special thank you to Jennifer Queen for her service as Associate Editor for the last three years.  Congratulations to Ashley Roach-Freiman for being selected for the new Associate Editor!  We will be advertising the Book Reviews Editor vacancy soon, so stay tuned.


If you are interested in submitting to Tennessee Libraries for a future issue, please see the call for articles:



Sharon Holderman, Editor

Jennifer Queen, Associate Editor

Ashley Roach-Freiman, Book Reviews Editor



Sharon Holderman

Coordinator of Public Services
Associate Professor

Volpe Library, Tennessee Tech University

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