

TLA Members,

The Publications Advisory Board is searching for an Assistant Editor for Tennessee Libraries. Applications should be emailed to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>.  Please include with your resume an example of your editing and writing abilities. See below for the job description and compensation information.
Assistant Editor, Tennessee Libraries

I.              Statement of Services

The Assistant Editor, in cooperation with the Editor, will produce four (4) issues of the Tennessee Libraries, for placement on the TLA website.

Tennessee Libraries is the official refereed journal of TLA.  Decisions as to the content of the Tennessee Libraries are solely the responsibility of the Editor.  TLA's Communications Division is available to assist the Editor should questions arise regarding the production of the Tennessee Libraries.

All equipment/software and other supplies needed to complete these services are the responsibility of the Editor.

II.             Compensation

In consideration of services outlined in Section I. TLA will deliver a stipend of $200.00 to the Assistant Editor, upon completion of each issues published during this period.

All stipends which total $600 or more during a calendar year will be reported to the IRS but no withholding of income taxes, medicare taxes, nor social security taxes will be made by TLA.  It is the Assistant Editor's responsibility to make such payments to the appropriate agencies.

III.            Termination

                This is an annual contract (see coverage dates below) and is renewable upon
                the recommendation by the TLA Communications Division and approval
                of the TLA Executive Board.

This contract may be terminated by either party by written notice received at least 60
days prior to the date of termination.

Michael Hale
Chair, Publications Advisory Board
Tennessee Library Association
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