Hi Lloyd

Thanks - I'm up for an in-person meeting this year, especially if you can arrange a tour.  I'm vaccinated and hankering for opportunities to see friends and colleagues and see what you're up to in Oregon.

Too many Zoom meetings in my life at the moment!

My best
Dr. John Lea-Cox
Professor, Nursery and Greenhouse Research, Extension Specialist
Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture
2120, Plant Science Building | (4291 Field House Drive)
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742-4452

Office (301) 405-4323
Cell (301) 535-2567
Fax (301) 314-9308

On Tue, Apr 6, 2021 at 1:41 PM Nackley, Lloyd <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Hi Jim and all,

We’ve been debating of course with continued uncertainty regarding travel policies.


What we are thinking is still having Oregon as the location, since it was canceled last year.  It seems that Farwest will be hosting a hybrid conference this year.  I propose we do the same.


Farwest is August 18-20.  I can host a hybrid business meeting on Tuesday, Aug 17th. For people who travel, we can in person and we can zoom the meeting too for those who cannot attend in person.


I know OAN/FarWest is not doing tours.  But if we can get permission from my University, and growers,  I would be glad to organize a day of nursery tours, I’m picturing a couple of vans on Wed. 18th or Thurs. 19th.  Note the tour aspect is a big IF at this point.  Oregon is just slightly opening up from COVID restrictions now. For example, kids are going back to school very limited (couple hours a week) this week. Restaurants are now taking limited indoor eating, and Oregon State is teaching through zoom and has travel restrictions, with some exemptions. Ag workers have recently be approved for vaccines and signs are looking positive though.


Sound like a plan?


People can email me directly if they will likely be attending in person.






Lloyd L. Nackley, Ph.D., Assistant Professor Nursery Production

Oregon State University | North Willamette Research & Extension Center

15210 NE Miley Road, Aurora, Oregon 97002-9543 


From: Water Management and Quality for Ornamental Crop Production and Health <[log in to unmask]> On Behalf Of Owen, Jim - ARS
Sent: Tuesday, April 6, 2021 10:11 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Status (tentative date and location, in person or virtual) of 2021 and 2022 upcoming meetings


[This email originated from outside of OSU. Use caution with links and attachments.]

Good afternoon all:


I was hoping someone my be able to provide information about our upcoming NC1186 meetings for planning purposes. Thanks for your timely response.





James S. Owen Jr. PhD

Research Horticulturist

Application Technology Research Unit


1680 Madison Ave., Wooster, OH  44691

(757)374-8153 | [log in to unmask]

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Be a part of the next (r)evolution to ensure the future success of North American specialty crops through Soilless Substrate Science.


I am working remotely following USDA & OSU COVID19 protocol and can be reached via email or Skype chat at [log in to unmask] or phone, text, and facetime from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EDT Monday thru Friday.


Advanced out of office notice: On mission related travel from March 28 to March 30, 2021


My pronouns: he/him/his



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