

Campus communicators,

Many of us have long been concerned about the racialized experiences of Asian American/Pacific Islander (AAPI) faculty, staff, and students on campus.  The recent murders in Atlanta highlight the especially vulnerable position of AAPI women.  Here at UT, AAPI faculty are told they "don't count," are "overrepresented," and "don't have any problems" while receiving systematically lower teaching evaluations and failing to see promotions to administrative leadership at the same rate as many other groups.  AAPI women navigate these issues along with misogynistic experiences. As a first step in helping to increase understanding of AAPI women faculty's experiences with racism, we invite you and your representatives to attend a panel discussion April 14, 1-2:30 pm (dial in at<>).  In this panel, "Making Visible the Racialized Experiences of UT's AAPI Women Faculty" women who are tenured AAPI faculty and staff will share their experiences of racism, microaggressions, and bias on UT's campus.  The event is open to all.

Please join us on April 14 and help spread the word. Please Feel free to use the attached graphic and flyer to promote the event.

Event details

  *   Title: Making Visible the Racialized Experiences of UT's AAPI Women Faculty
  *   Co-hosts: Global Studies, Asian Studies, Department of Sociology, Office of Asia Engagement, Center for the Study of Social Justice
  *   Date and time: April 14 1:00 - 2:30pm
  *   Panelists: Noriko Horiguchi, Michelle Kwon, Catherine Luther, Shellen Wu
  *   Moderator: Lisa Yamagata-Lynch
  *   Join a panel of tenured AAPI women at UT. The panelists will share their experiences with racism, microaggressions, and bias on campus and start a discussion with the UT community on how to build better support and allyship across the campus.
  *   Join via zoom:
  *   Graphic and flyer attached


Derek Alderman (Betty Lynn Hendrickson Professor of Social Sciences, Geography)

Misty Anderson (James R. Cox Professor and Head, English)

Stephanie Bohon (Professor and Head, Sociology)

Ernest Freeberg (Distinguished Professor of Humanities, History)

Paul Gellert (Associate Professor, Sociology and Director of Global Studies)

Patrick Grzanka (Associate Professor, Psychology)

Catherine Luther (Director, School of Journalism and Electronic Media)

Joan Heminway (Rick Rose Distinguished Professor of Law)

Noriko Horiguchi (Associate Professor, Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures, Chair of Japanese Program, and Interim Chair of Asian Studies Program)

Alex Moulton (Assistant Professor, Sociology)

Bonnie Ownley (Professor, Entomology and Plant Pathology)

Rachel Rui (Director, Office of Asia Engagement)

Jie "Daisy" Shen (Coordinator, Office of Asia Engagement)

Anne Smith (King and Judy Rogers Professor in Business and Head of Management)

Kevin Tomsovic (CTI Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)

Lisa Yamagata-Lynch (University Ombudsperson)

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