If you understand the reference, but not the relevance, then you need to check Sched to see that there is a session about storytelling through gaming, titled “Roll a Perception Check: Collaborative Storytelling Programs Through Gaming”!

Every year, the TLA conference relies on attendees to help with the conference and this year is no different!


What is different with a virtual conference is that we need tech-savvy volunteers to help with the live sessions, including business meetings, preconference, program sessions, and the two general sessions.  These volunteers will be instrumental in the success of the conference.  They will host and record the sessions, allow registered attendees into the webinars, prevent unwanted trolls from spawning in (we're all familiar with Zoom bombing), and provide other monitoring and technical assistance, as necessary.  


The sign-up spreadsheet is here:

For privacy reasons, feel free to only include your first name or initials on the spreadsheet and then email me (you can reply to this email) so we have your email address for Slack and Zoom.  If you're comfortable putting your email address on the spreadsheet, that's fine too.  Anyone with the link can view/edit.  If you think the session list looks 

short, the sign-up sheet is only for live sessions since pre-recorded sessions do not require this sort of assistance.

The number of volunteers needed for each type of session are listed on the spreadsheet.

For an explanation of the responsibilities of the host/technical assistant, session monitor, and chat monitor, please click the second tab at the bottom of the spreadsheet.

If there is a session that you really want to attend, we suggest not volunteering to work for that session because you will be working and therefore won't be able to fully participate in as an attendee.

Thanks, and please ask any questions,

Anthony H. Prince, Jr.

TLA 2021 Conference AV co-chair

Cataloging & Metadata Librarian

Liaison to Engineering

Kolwyck Library & Information Commons

Chattanooga State Community College

4501 Amnicola Highway

Chattanooga, TN 37406

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