Hi fellow communicators,


Please share this information with faculty, staff, and students in your areas as appropriate:


UT’s annual Environmental Leadership Awards will take place April 20 during Earth Month. The event recognizes students, faculty, staff, and members of the greater Knoxville community who help to Make Orange Green through their environmental leadership.


The Office of Sustainability and Committee on the Campus Environment are seeking nominations for all award categories. Award categories cover academic as well as engagement efforts.


Nominate students, faculty, staff, and community members by 5 p.m. on April 6 at https://sustainability.utk.edu/engagement/environmental-leadership-awards/#ELA.


This year’s event is taking place (virtually) April 20 at 7 p.m. Here is the link to RSVP to attend the awards: https://tennessee.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIrf-usqDIsHdVbxkh0tmECtuxiokEniFqM




Co-chair, Campus Committee on the Environment




Christie Kennedy

Director of Communications


The University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Tickle College of Engineering

114 Perkins Hall

Knoxville, TN 37996


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Big Orange. Big Ideas.



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