

Greetings Campus Communicators,

Now that January has concluded we hope that your years is going well.
For the month of February, Environmental Health and Safety is promoting communications to support electrical safety. Most subtopics this month can apply to anyone in our campus community and a couple are oriented to anyone performing maintenance and operations type of work. Each subtopic will post to social media with a link to the blog with additional resources.
Our subtopics this month include:

  *   Battery recharging
  *   Flexible Cords
  *   Water and Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters
  *   Lock Out Tag Out
  *   Tripped electrical breaker problems
  *   Overloaded electrical outlets
  *   Grounded plugs
  *   Overhead Power Lines
Each topic will be posted to Facebook, although we will be growing into Instagram and Twitter shortly.

How can you help?
Please visit out blog:

Please support and share our Facebook posts

Use and Share Digital Resources: [?Folder icon]  202102_ElectricalSafety<>
These resources should be accessible to anyone within UTK. If you cannot see please let me know.

As always please feel free to send us any feedback.

Best regards,

James M. Cantu, M.S., CIT, CHMM
Training, Development & Communications Manager
Environmental Health & Safety
1425 Tee Martin Drive
414 East Stadium Hall
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
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