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It has been my experience that Tennessee legislators love Library Legislative Day. We librarians and library lovers are wonderful people, of course, and libraries are a public cause that just about everybody can get behind. Even though this year will be different because it will be virtual, there will still be plenty of opportunities to showcase the amazing work happening at your library and thank your legislators for their support. This year’s theme is Libraries Love Our Communities. 

Register for Library Legislative Day 2021 here and be sure to use #tnlld21 on social media! We will have a live webinar in the morning that all are welcome to attend. An email with the necessary links will be sent to all registered participants the week before LLD. 

Here are some ways you can participate:

  1. Send a postcard to your representative from the library. Find your legislators here. 

  2. Request a zoom meeting on Feb 12th by emailing your representatives. Be sure to read about upcoming bills that will affect libraries. 

  3. Come to our live webinars via Zoom on Feb 12th. 

  4. Submit your library’s videos and graphics that showcase all the hard work your library has been doing to support your community during the pandemic. 


Eryn Duffee, MLIS

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Lead Neely's Bend Middle School

Library Legislative Day Chair, Tennessee Library Association 

COLA Ecosystems Subcommittee Member

COLA Committee Member